‹ Prequel: Only You
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It’s the only thing that will work.

I had just gotten my fifth or sixth cup of coffee, it was just nearing 10:00 am and no one was up it was the weekend after all. Thoughts were still running through my mind and then it came to me the only thing that would work if I were to keep Aden, marry Alex. I let out a sigh as I heard some footsteps coming down the stairs, thinking about it now it was and probable the only thing to do, Instead of going through all the paper work with the adoption.

“Morning” a voice said to me I turned round in my seat and Alex was stood there in his boxers, “morning” I replied getting up from my seat and making my way towards the coffee machine. “Coffee?” I asked “hmm that would be good thanks” Alex said still sounding sleepy; I let a little giggle leave me lip. “Have you been down here all night?” Alex asked me as I gave him his coffee; I nodded my head into a yes. “I couldn’t sleep kept thinking about things, not only that me and Jack kind of had a fight” I replied mumbling the last words as I starting thinking back to last night.

Alex raised an eyebrow at me, “what happened” he asked as he took a sip of his coffee. I bit my bottom lip as I look up at Alex, his brown eyes locked on to my hazel ones. “I don’t matter I just want to forget about it” I replied. I looked up at Alex biting my bottom lip, “Alex...” I asked trailing off “hum” he replied. “About Aden I was thinking...what if w-w-we got married I’ll legal parent to him then” I said stumbling on my words. I saw Alex look up to me with wide eyes “w-what” Alex said shocked at the words I had said.


It was late afternoon I hadn’t spoken to Jack at all; Zack knew something was going on with us both. And Alex had been acting weird since this morning. Rian was round Kara’s so I’ll probable fill him in later or something along those lines. Bringing me out of my thought was someone talking to me “can we talk?” I looked up and saw Alex holding cup in his hand. I stood from my seat from the sofa and followed him into the kitchen. Jack was in the living room with Zack talking even thought I was ignoring him.

“What’s wrong Lex” I asked, as took one the stools at the island counter. “Was you serious this morning about...” he stopped his gaze adverting towards the living room where Jack was biting his bottom lip he looked up at me his eyes locked on me. “Yeah I was” I replied just then Jack came into the kitchen and we both fell silent. “What are you guys talking about” he asked that was the first time he’d spoken to me since our fight.

I looked at Alex then to Jack who was shifting from foot to foot wondering what me and Alex were talking about. “about Aden” I replied feeling my heart rate pick up a bit, my eyes moved to the black marble counter top I didn’t want to look at Jack he had to understand I needed Aden. “oh” was all Jack said and sat down next to me putting his arm around my waist, “I-I-need t-t-to tell you something jack” I said stuttering on my words feeling my heart rate pick up, as his arm slid away from my waits. “The only way for me to have Aden without going through all the adoption papers is...” I couldn’t finish what I was about to tell Jack this would break him even more and I don’t think I could bring myself to hurt Jack not again.
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