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It's All Too Much

A few weeks had past I told Zack I was pregnant he wasn’t happy at first; he even punched Jack and fought with him. I was sat in my bedroom just enjoying the piece and quite. But then Aden came running in with Jack behind him. “Mama” Aden exclaimed “hey sweetie” I said picking him up. “Is everything ok babe?” Jack asked worried expression on his face. I nodded my head as Jack came and sat next to me Aden on my lap.

“Are you sure?” he asked I bit my bottom lip and looked at him; I could feel my eyes sting with tears again and that’s when I broke down. Jack wrapped his arms around me and I cloud feel Aden’s clinging on my my neck. “Why you crying mommy” Aden asked I bit my bottom lip looking at Jack my eye brows furrowed “mommy’s just happy sweet heart go find uncle Zack and Rian” I said needing to talk to Jack. Aden pressed his tiny lips on top of mine hugging me and was soon gone.

“So are you going to tell me what really wrong?” Jack asked me as he closed the gap between us and put his arms around me. “I-I-I’m scared” I replied looking at Jack, his hands came up to my cheeks and cupped them gently, I felt safe knowing he was here. “I know I am too but I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” He replied and pressed his warm lips to mine.


Later that night I was lying in bed Jack next to me with his arm around my waist, I sighed as I turned my head to look at Jack. “Jack” I asked as I turned to my side so that I was facing him. “Yeah baby” he replied “I-I” just then Aden started crying and screaming, I sighed and sat up “I’ll go” I said as I kissed Jack on the lips. I walked into Aden’s room to see him sitting up in his bed and crying.

“What’s wrong sweetie” I asked as I came closer to him and sat down on his bed wrapping my arms around him. “Dinosaurs under the bed” he said sniffling. I laughed a little “there’s no Dinosaurs under your bed” I replied kissing his forehead. “you want to come and sleep with me” I asked he nodded his head and put his arms around my neck as I picked him up and started walking back to mine and Jack room.

I walked back into my bedroom and Jack smiled at me knowing Aden couldn’t sleep again. “More nightmares buddy” Jack whispered and Aden nodded his head, I settled Aden down in between me and Jack. “Uncle Rian been letting you watch the movies” Jack said as wrapped his over Aden and me. It perfect I had both my boys with me.

After a while Aden fell asleep in between me and jack, a small smile was soon placed across my lips as I looked over to Jack who had also fallen asleep. Everything has happened so fast what with Aden and marrying Alex, and now I’m pregnant. It’s all too much I couldn’t think straight and I didn’t know if I could handle everything that was happing right now.
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please please comment and tell me what you guys think <3