‹ Prequel: Only You
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I love you Nicole Merrick.

It’s been three weeks since Jack broke up with me, and I hadn’t even seen anything of Jack he’s not been coming round like he used to with the guys and even Rian noticed how jack had been distant as well. I was sat on the sofa with Rian and Zack while Alex was getting the drinks. I bit my bottom lip holding my cell phone hoping that Jack would text or even just call; I miss him and not being with him hurt like hell.

I sighed and stood from my seat Zack looked up at with his eye brows furrowed, “You OK sis?” he asked, that’s when the tears fell and I walked towards the stairs. “Nic wait” Rian was following me as I carried on up the stairs and to my bedroom well mine and jack’s. I sat on the edge of my bed and Rian came into the room, he came and sat down next to me wrapping his arms around me. “It’s OK Nic everything will be fine” Rian whispered as he stroked circles in the small of my back.

I couldn’t stop crying while Rian was with me, I felt alone and I wanted no not wanted needed Jack back I love him he is my everything. I don’t understand why he would do this, I thought we would work it all out like we always do but I guess I was wrong this time. I could hear Aden screaming down stairs, I could picture Alex pulling his hair out because of Aden. I giggled at the thought, “what’s funny Nic” Rian whispered in my ear. “The thought of Alex pulling his hair out because Aden is screaming down stairs” I replied, and then Rian laughed.


I was sat with Rian I had Aden with me on my lap as we all watched the TV Alex was out with Zack at the store to get some food. Just then the front door opened and Jack came in, I looked up and saw Jack standing there he looked as rough as I did. His eyes were red and puffy dark circles round his eyes; I felt my heart beat pick up as he came closer to me. Rian took Aden and went into the kitchen knowing that me and Jack needed some time.

“Jack?” I asked as he sat next to me, he put his hand in mine I bit my bottom lip as I looked at Jack with a confused look on my face. “I can’t stand this Nic I can’t stand not being with you it hurts not too” Jack sobbed as got closer to me wrapping his arms around me. I nuzzled my face into his neck the smell of his cologne and detergent. “I been such a mess with you Nic I can’t handle it I thought I could but I couldn’t” Jack cried out as he tightened his grip around me.

I smiled as I pulled Jack out of the hug that he had me in, I made him look at me his big brown eyes were filled with tears that said sorry, “I know I been feeling the same I’ll never stop loving you Jack no matter what happens” I replied and soon I felt his warm moist lips on top of mine, kissing me hard but passionately. Our lips moved in sync his tongue trailed along the bottom of my lip asking for entry. I obliged and let him in his silky tongue gliding with mine in a passionate kiss.

After a while we both pulled away from the kiss breathlessly, we both smiled at each other as we looked in to each other’s eyes.

“I love you Nicole Merrick and nothing will stop that love”
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