I Wish You Were Queen, Just for Today



Jeph and the guys are recording their fourth CD. The girls and I all tour with them and did I mention the kids too? This is why we have, what I think is, the biggest bus ever! And guess who we're touring with? Rancid! It turns out that they are staying on their bus, giving us a little more room, but they--Branden and Heather, have a daughter named Sasha and a son named Robert.
Steph and Bert have two girls named Caroline and Elizabeth, their only son is named David.
Quinn and Manda have three little girls. Triplets, if you can believe it! Their names are Madison, Gretchen, and Kathleen.
As for Jeph and I, well, we have fraternal twins. A boy named Grant and a girl named Haley. We also have another son named Aiden, he's the oldest. Yesterday, we found out that I have another little girl on the way, we're going to name her Natalie.
Dan got married to a girl named Olivia and they have a son named Kevin, who was born on the same day as Aiden.
Olivia has become extremely close to us and as usual on this tour, we're all bonding. Even the kids are, especially since they're all pretty close in age.
We all live in the same neighborhood, right next to my parents, who are constantly asking to babysit for us.
And you know what? All in all, life is fantastic!

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! hope you guys liked it! Thanks for reading! :D