Sequel: Come A Little Closer

I Still Remember

Snakes and Stories of a Rebelious Mother

That prick.

I thought to myself as I was sitting on my bed as Sydney was on the phone with a teacher from her work. He believed her over me. The thought of that was still on my mind. He’s only known her for six months, were as he’s known me for a majority of his life.

And yet he had he the nerve to believe that she was trying to catch me.

The bitch tried to kill me, there was no doubt about that. I had to get back at this bitch somehow or another. I mean, pushing her off the boat was genius, but there had to be something she was a chicken about. I mean she was a complete girly girl, wasn’t she like, afraid of snakes or something?

That’s it.

I got off my bed and opened my closet. I began digging through as I heard the door open and close. “Gina, what on earth are you doing?” Shit, it was my mom. I got up and fixed my tank top. There was no way in bloody hell that she could know that I was trying to sabotage Marc and Francesca relationship.

“Oh…I was looking for something for Sydney?”
“Yeah…she wanted to know if I had some old project we did in high school, that’s all.”
“Oh…well I just wanted to make sure that you’re okay from earlier.”
“Mom, that idiot pushed me to my death.”
“I’m sure this was all a big misunderstanding!”
“Oh! You too! She’s not that great of a person mom.”
“You’re still inlove with him, aren’t you?”
“Is it that obvious!?”

My mom sighed and sat on my bed. I was only speaking the truth; this bitch wasn’t all that great. My mom is looking at me now, only because she feels my pain. “I remember when I was your age, I was in the same situation with your father,” she begins as I sit next to her. She just had to bring dad up.

I missed him so much.

“What happened?”
“Well…I had just broken up with this guy named Marc.”
“Well, isn’t this ironic.”
“If you say so. I met your dad when I was in high school, we were best friends.”
“What happened then?”
“I came home from college when I was done only to see he was with an American.”
“Oh shit just got real.”
“You’re telling me. Anyways, I was so mad…I sabotaged the relationship.”

My mother is by far the greatest person to ever walk the face of the earth.

“How did you do that?”
“Oh easy, I made her life a living hell...the way we do in Italy that is.”
“Mom, you have no idea how much I love Marc.”
“Do what you need to do to ruin that relationship.”
“You approve of this?”
“Hey, I did it once, I can’t let my daughter pass up what could be the person she needs in her life.”

My mom gives me a hug and then leaves my room. I run to my closet and begin digging through my stuff and found the realistic looking snakes Syd and I used for our biology project in grade eight. I then ran into the guest room Marc and Francesca were staying in and left them by the bathroom door. I darted out of there as Sydney followed me after phone call. She closed the door. “Why do you look like you just ran a marathon?” she asked me as we heard a loud shriek. She looks at me now. “What did you do?”

“What if I ---“
“Which one of you did it!?”

Francesca yells at Sydney and I as the door slams open. I put my poker face on as Sydney places her hands on her hips. “Is everything okay?” I ask her but Francesca holds her hand up. I bite my lip while keeping my face straight.

“Don’t be stupid. I know one of you did it!”
“What is going on?” Sydney asks her.
“Who put the snake in my room?”
“There’s a snake in your room?”
“I know one of you did it.”
“No…I was taking a nap,” I begin.
“I was on the phone,” Sydney ended for me.
“I know one of you did it.”
“Francesca, is everything okay?” Mrs. Staal began as she came in my room. “We heard a scream from downstairs.”
“Apparently there was a snake in her room,” Jared replied, winking at me. “I took care of it.”
“Oh thank you Jared,” she says, giving me the glare as she left, with Mrs. Staal following.

Jared walked in and closed the door. Sydney and I begin laughing as Jared cleared his throat. He held the toy snake up to my face and shook his head. Sydney continued laughing. “Which one of you smart girls put the snake in there?”

“Well…if I do say so myself, I thought it was a genious idea.”
“So…may I help get rid of the bitch? Yes, I know she pushed you off the boat,” Jared smiled.
“You are the best Jare, you know that right?” I tell him.

Jared gives me a hug and we begin to plan our next attack. We heard a knock on the door and in came Marc. I rolled my eyes as I glared at Syd and I. He knew about the snake, the bitch told him. “Which one of you did it?” he asked us.

“Do you people really think I’d touch a snake?” Sydney smirked.
“I hate snakes,” I reply.
“Gina, come here.”
“Gina, I don’t know what your deal is, but quit it.”
“Marc, I didn’t put the damn snake in there but okay, just go with your bitch of a girlfriend.”

Marc slams the door and I roll my eyes. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. He really did love her and would clearly do anything for her. I needed to fix that, like pronto. Jare patted my hand and smiled. “Okay girls, lets get this going. Team Two Girls and a Guy is about to strike again.”
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enjoy :)