Sequel: Come A Little Closer

I Still Remember

Fiber Bars and Wedding Dresses

“I have never seen you so determined to do something bad in your life.”

Sydney tells me the next morning as Jared, her, and I are sitting in the kitchen eating while I tell them what happened with Marc and I last night. Jared drops his spoon onto the counter after Sydney’s comment because he’s still in shock of what his brother pulled on me last night. “My brother kissed you?” Jared finally spat out.

“And told me he loved me.”
“Well that’s a fucken relief.”
“However, he ‘made a promise to Francesca to he’s going to keep it.’.” I mocked Marc.
“My brother is a douche, I still think you deserve better than his crap.”

I sigh at Jareds comment. Okay, so I get it, Marc is a douche, but he never used to be like that from what I remember. I remember him being the nicest guy but an agitator when he needed to be, like when he had to go and beat up an exboyfriend or two. He would never lay a hand on me, except for the drunken bar fight that happened, but he would never hit me. He was my go to guy when I needed a shoulder to cry on, someone to talk to when Jared wasn’t there, he was my best friend.

The best friend I fell inlove with.

“Okay, since we got Marc to admit he’s still inlove with you, where the hell do we go from here?” Sydney asks us.
“Okay, well, sugar and water did its justice for the most part last night,” I begin, as we both turn our heads to the brains of team badass.

Jared fucken Staal.

“Why are you two looking at me?”
“Because you’re the smart one in this,” Sydney said.
“No Syd, it’s because of my charm and irresistible looks.”
“Okay yeah sure Jared,” Sydney smiles. “But seriously, what’s our next plan?”
“You’re brother suggested we cut her hair.”
“No hair cut, we already destroyed her hair as it is,” Jared said.
“Can’t we give her like weight gain bars? I mean she is going to look at her wedding dress in a few days.”
“She already has it picked out, alterations are Thrusday. It is now Sunday. If---“ Jared began.
“Fuck! I have to try my stupid bridesmaid dress on. Shit, I can’t believe you sucked me into this Jared.”

The two look at me now. I sucked them into standing up in the wedding so we could have access on how to destroy her life before the wedding. I raise my eyebrow and look in the cabinet to see if my mom had any weight gain bars. I fold my arms across my chest. “How is this going to work and where the hell—“

“What are you three doing?”

We turn our heads to find my mom standing in the doorframe. I close the cabinet and smile at my mom. She knows the smile I’m giving her, it’s the smile that meant I’m up to know good because I took after your side of the family. “Do I even want to know?” My mother asks as she looks at Jared and Sydney, who are trying to keep straight faces but are failing at it.

“Do you own anything that’ll make someone gain weight?” I ask.
“Oh, you mean junk food?”
“Mom, I’m being serious.”
“Who’s it for?”
“Who do you think?” Jared smiled.
“I don’t have weight gaining bars but I do have high fiber bars.”
“What will that do to wicked witch of the west?” Syd asked.
“Make her sick to her stomache.”
“Oh I like this idea!” I yell, opening the door and grabbing the box.

My mom laughs and walks out of the kitchen. The three of us look at the box when it dawns on me that were going to have to change the labeling of the bar. I watch Jared throw his hands up in the air as Sydney smiles. “Syd, what the hell are you smiling for? This plan just got ruined!” I yell.

“Not really, we can just tell her that these bars help curb hunger.”
“Oh my God!” Jared begins.
“THAT’S GENIUS!” I end for him.

We’re all at the kitchen table listening to Francesca talk about how she was scared her dress wasn’t going to fit her right. I sat there and rolled my eyes. Atleast she had a dress picked out. I cleared my thoart and asked, “What does you’re dress look like?”

“It’s off white, looks like Belles from beauty and the beast.”

The fucken bitch stole the dress I wanted.

Sydney looked at me; because she knew that was the dress I wanted. It was like the bitch knew my whole life story. Sydney cleared her thoart. “Hey Francesca, I eat this bar when I want to lose a few extra pounds. It helps curb my appetite,” Syd smiles.

“Why should I trust you?” Francesca asks her.
“Because I know what it’s like being worried over a dress. I eat these once a day. You’ll lose five pounds in a good week,” Sydney smiles, winking at me.
“Is it safe?”
“Didn’t you not hear me say I use these to lose a few extra pounds?”

Francesca smiled and took the bar from her. Sydney winked at Jared and I again. I then caught Marc looking at me. He knew I was mad about the dress. I get up and walk down to the dance studio. I turn the ipod on and walk out to the center of the room, but the music doesn’t go off. I know who did that.

“Are you really upset about last night?” Marc asks me.
“No, I’m over that. You knew I wanted that wedding dress since the day I told you about my dream wedding when I had to do the power point in my family consumers class!”
“I didn’t tell her about the dress.”
“Bullshit Marc!”
“I didn’t tell her Gina.”
“You know Marc, I always thought of you when I was younger as prince charming. When we got older, when you’d come to kick anyone of my former boyfriends assess, I’d think of you as Superman.”
“Well do you think of me now?”
“A big douche bag.”
“I didn’t tell her about the dress.”
“Marc, I know you did!”

March rolls his eyes and sighs. I’m sick and tired of arguing with him about this. He’s tired of this too. I just want to hear him say that he loves me and isn’t marrying Francesca anymore, but I know that day probably won’t come. “I may have said something about the dress when we were watching a movie one time to her.”

“I knew it.”
“Gina, I didn’t think she’d pick that dress out.”
“Well now I get to sit in a fucken church and watch her wear the dream wedding dress of mine, while I sit in the pew holding all my emotions in.”
“You’re coming to my wedding?”
“I don’t have a choice, my family is going.”
“Thanks Gina.”
“Get the fuck out of my face Staal.”

Marc sighs and leave the dance room. Now that I knew about the wedding dress, I really felt excited about homewrecking a relationship. I had never done this before, so I needed this to be perfect. I made a small smile to myself as the thought of Francesca being pissed when Marc dumps her popped into my head.

However, I’m still mad about the wedding dress, enough said.