Sequel: Come A Little Closer

I Still Remember

I Still Remember

It was six am the next day and I had gotten no sleep whats so ever. I decided to drag my ass out of bed, brush my teeth, and sit out on the deck to watch the sun rise. I sat on the deck by 6:15 and it was still somewhat dark out. It brought me back to the days when the Staals, Lindsy, and I were younger. The days in the summer when we’d camp out in the back yard and wake up to watch the sunrise.

I still remember those days like it were yesterday. I remember the summer Eric got drafted into the NHL and we all stayed up all night and watched the sun set. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Marc and I were sitting here on these steps watching the sunrise while everyone else crashed out. We talked about everything, from our goals to our futures.

I hear the door open and close. I don’t bother turning to look to see who’s behind me. The footsteps stop as I still think about the past and how I can’t go back and change things. I couldn’t change the fact that Marc and I got drunk in a cornfield and had sex, I couldn’t change the fact that he’s a jackass, and I could never change the fact that I’m in love with him.

“Why are you up so early?”

Speak of the devil.

Marc then takes a seat next to me and we both look out at the sky waiting for the sun. His hands are stretched out in back of him and mine are hugging my knees to my chest. I don’t say anything and we don’t look at each other. The silence is awkward. I’m still upset about the whole situation that was happening. “I couldn’t sleep. Why are you up?” I ask him.

“I don’t know, I feel like an asshole.”
“You were right, I am the bitter one.”
“Took you long enough to admit to it.”
“Do you remember the last time we watched the sunrise?”
“We made a plan to take a roadtrip to Niagra Falls.”

I remember that day like it was yesterday as well. It was after my high schools dance show were my team got first place in lyrical and ballet, meaning we were going to the Province Championship. We took first in lyrical and second in ballet, taking the team to Nationals, were we won a silver medal in both lyrical and ballet. “I remember,” I smile.

“You’re lyrical dance was to Bloc Party’s I Still Remember,” he continues. “I came to every show for that.”
“I remember, what does this have to do with you admitting your bitter.”
“I thought about that whole conversation when I woke up. It made me smile.”
“That’s good.”
“Want to take that road trip?”
“Now? Marc, we can’t and you know it.”
“Why not?”
“Gee, I don’t know, someone is getting married in September.”

Marc sighs as we keep stairing at the sky. The song gets stuck in my head now. I begin to hum along to the words as Marc begins to laugh. He joins in on the lyrics with me. “And our love could have soared, over playground and rooftop,” Marc sings.

“Every park bench screams your name, I kept your tie,” I sing with him.
“I’d have gone wherever you wanted,” we both finish, laughing.
“God, I haven’t heard that song in ages,” I say to him.
“Neither have I,” Marc replies. “I’m sorry Gina.”
“For being bitter?”
“Yeah…and for being a douche bag. You don’t deserve me acting like that to you.”
“I appreciate your apology.”
“Is there anything that you want to add to this?”
“I don’t want you to get married.”

Marc sighs as I realize what came out of my mouth. I close my eyes for a few seconds, hitting myself in the head for saying that outloud. “Gina, I’m always going to love you, you know that,” is all he says.

“I know, I just have to accept the fact that she’s marrying you.”
“Can we be friends again atleast? This whole thing made me realize that I miss my best friend more than anything in the world.”
“I guess we can do that.”

Marc pulls me into a shoulder hug as I rest my head on his shoulder. God I missed this so much. I missed him. I was going to stop this wedding somehow or another. I don’t even care if I have to be the reason why he cheats on Francesca, if that was going to stop this wedding, then so be it. “And let me bring you home,” Marc begins to sing Konstantine by Something Corporate, which was the song we did for ballet in that competition. “You’re afraid to find out that your alone, and I’m sleeping in your living room.”

I feel my eyes close as I feel Marc kiss the top of my head. Francesca would bitch a fit then kill me if she saw that. Just before I fall asleep on Marc’s chest, I hear him sing the final part of the first chorus, which made me smile in my sleep because he can’t sing for shit, but it was still cute when he tried, “We don’t have much room…to live.”