Sequel: Come A Little Closer

I Still Remember

Secrets Are No Fun Unless There Shared with Everyone

Chapter 2


“Lindsy, your twenty six years old, out of a job, and all you do is drink.”

My mother just tells it as it is while Im sitting like a total idiot avoiding all eye contact with Marc. I slumped down somemore in my chair, sitting like a total guy with my arms across my chest. This wasn’t what I wanted to be doing. My step dad, the Staals, Renee, Syd, and my cousins where all they’re trying to be sympathetic about the situation, while I was sitting there, trying to avoid the obvious. How could I be sympathetic about the situation when the one person I didn’t want to see was sitting there, sending me daggers with his eyes?

“Do you want to end up like dad?” Mom said to Lindsy.

I wish she wouldn’t have said that.

“Does anyone want to speak?” My mom asks.

All eyes are on me now. I have nothing to say at this point. I reposition myself and look at my stepdad, Rick. He looks at Syd, who’s practically stairing at Jared. I clear my throat and then Jared clears his. “Lindsy, your like my sister and all, but really, you have gotten us into a lot of shit as kids!”

And here we go.

“Like the time when Gina, Marc, Jordan, and I were here and you were ‘babysitting’ us when we were like…four teen. Why we needed a babysitter then was beyond me because Marc is more capable of watching kids then you but that’s not the point. The police came here because you got piss ass drunk with your friends!

Did he really have to mention my name and his brothers name in one sentence?

“Then that one time---“
“We get it Jare, she sucks at life,” Jordan stopped him from talking.

I slumped down in my chair again as people begin talking. I turn my head and catch Syd and Jared staring at each other. Last I checked, we came here for an intervention, not for the ‘Oh hi! Let me set you up with my childhood best friend!’ convention, because I’m in no mood to do that what so ever. I turn my head and Marc is still staring me down. I get up while Eric is telling Lindsy that her behavior is unacceptable and that he’s worried for her.

I slam my hand on the counter. If anyone else needs an intervention, it’s going to be me. Why? Because I’ll probably end up being the next idiot to do something stupid so they might as well give me the intervention now. I run my hands through my hair and let out a sigh. I hear footsteps come into the kitchen. I don’t bother turning around because I could care less who the footsteps belong to.

“Hi Gina.”


I don’t say anything. I don’t even turn to look at him. In fact, I’m so aggravated that he had the nerve to follow me into the damn kitchen. I waited around for him, but he never showed up. Now he thinks he’s got the right to come back into my life.

“Are you just going to ignore me?”
“You clearly ignore me before,” I snapped.
“Okay, I was mad when I did that.”
“You know Marc, I waited for you, you never came. Don’t think these few days of me being here are just going to fix things.”
“I know they won’t Gina, I just…”
“You just what?”
“I just ---“
“Are you two coming or what!?”

I turn my head and see Eric standing there. I roll my eyes as Marc holds his hand up, meaning five minutes. Eric nods and walks away. Marc turns his head and looks at me and I’m looking back. It took all I had not to lung at him and strangle him. I then ask myself how I put myself in situations like this because I don’t know how I did this one. I really outdid myself this time.

“Marc…for the next few days, keep your distance from me, got it?”
“That maybe a little difficult.”
“Just do it, got it?”
“And what if I can’t do that? I haven’t been able to since you turned 15 Gina.”
“Marc, you were like nineteen when that was the case.”
“I haven’t been able to okay?”
“Then why didn’t you do something about that then? Oh wait, you’re a dumbass.”
“Gina, please don’t do this.”
“Marc, just leave me alone okay?”
“Why are you like this?”
“You know, I wish we never hooked up that one summer, okay!”

I look up after saying that to see Eric, Jared, and Jordan standing in the kitchen doorway. I hit my hand with my freehand. They didn’t know we hooked up. Marc rolls his eyes and now I’m stairing at the three of them. This was awkward now. No one was talking. “You…him…what?” Jared yelled as Jordan hit him on the head. I look at Marc and give him the death glare.

“Don’t come near me Staal.”

With that, I walked out of the kitchen and took my seat as the intervention went on. The four boys didn’t come out. I look up and see Tanya staring at me. She felt bad for me, I know she did. She was practically the older sister I never had because Lindsy had issues. The boys never came out and the intervention went on.


“So…when were you going to tell us that was the real reason why Gina hasn’t come back to Thunder Bay in ages?”

Jordan asked me as I put my hands in my jean pockets. I don’t think Gina had a clue the guys were standing there when she yelled that. In fact, this was the first they knew about the real reason why Gina wished I were dead than alive. “I didn’t want to tell you guys ---“

“You didn’t want to tell us you hooked up with her? Why dude? Gina is like a bombshell!” Jordan yelled. “I mean, ever since she turned 15 shes been like that!”
“Guys, she’s practically our little sister, don’t talk about her like that,” Eric told them. “Marc, you could’ve told us that was the real reason.”
“Theres more to it then us just hooking up.”
“How many times did you hook up? Eric asked.
“Once before she left for Chicago.”
“Did you love her?”
“What do you think?”

“I’m sorry Marc…really why didn’t you tell us?” Jordan asked.
“I didn’t want punches thrown at me for sleeping with her! Eric, you’re the brother she never had and if she told you, you would’ve had me dead.”
“I’m surprised she didn’t tell me,” Eric mumbled.
“Look, we’ll deal with this later. Right now Lindsy needs us, we can’t give up on her, got it?”

We all agreed and walked back into the dining hall to hear Lindsy agree she’ll go to rehab. Gina got up and hugged her, then Eric and Tanya joined in. I just sit there, thinking about what Gina and I went through the past four years. We didn’t talk, except I tried to get ahold of her, but she was stubborn and wouldn’t respond. I gave up easily.

Eric grabs Gina and goes outside with her. They’re going to talk about the situation. I look over and Jordan and Jared are talking to Gina’s two friends. I sit on the couch. I shouldn’t have come; I should’ve stayed in New York. I shouldn’t have slept with Gina.

Most importantly, I shouldn’t have fallen in love with her.