Sequel: Come A Little Closer

I Still Remember

Bar Fight

"You know, we just had your sisters drinking problem intervention and you're going to get piss ass drunk?"

Sydney tells me the next night we are at Friends Bar and Billards. I take a sip of my second corona and think of where to next aim the cue ball at. I can get my stripped 14 in a side pocket or a stripped 9 in the right corner pocket. "I mean Gina, you should be an example to your sister," Renee concludes to Sydneys point.

"Psh, I am NOT an alcoholic!" I yell, hitting the cue ball at the stripped nine, missing the pocket by two inches.
"This is coming from the one who said there going to drink away the memory of Marc Staal!" Renee laughs as Sydney takes a shot at the solid three ball and getting it in the upper right pocket. "I mean, your gonna have to remember after your hangover."
"Oh trust me...I won't," I reply, watching Sydney miss the solid five ball.
"I practically just set you up," Sydney walks over toward me. "I mean, you reconciled with the other three, so are you just not going to reconcile with Marc?"
"Gina, your a smart girl. You practically skipped your bachelors degree and got into law school at your age --"
"Only because I took college classes in highschool --"
"I mean, can't you reconcile with Marc?"
"No," I reply, downing my corona.

Sydney shakes her head as I take my turn and finally get the damn ball into the pocket. I end up missing the second one but the door swings open. The bar isn't as packed as I thought it would be for a summer night, but everyone is yelling, "THE STAALS ARE BACK IN TOWN!" I look over at Renee and Sydney, who look just as pissed as I am.

"Good to know they got a big welcome and we didnt!" Renee yelled.
"Well well well, if it isn't Gina," Jared yells giving me a hug then going toward Sydney.
"Hey Jare," I say, hugging Jordan as Renee came back with more beer. "Sydney, we have a game to finish!"

As soon as I yelled that the commotion grew even more. I watch Marc walk in and everyone is gathered around him. Jordan is shaking his head as he takes a beer from Renee. "When are you two going to be civil toward each other?" Jordan asks as I take a sip of my third beer of the night.

"Never," I finally spat out.
"Never say never," Jared laughs.
"Hey wheres my beer?" Marc asks, joining in on the fun as I roll my eyes.
"Go get one yourself," Sydney spat at him, causing Jared to burst into laughter.
"And who may you be?" Marc asks her.
"Your worst nightmare," Sydney defended herself.
"I don't think thats a name."
"Well, it is now!" Sydney snapped, placing herself on Jareds lap.
"Get off my brothers lap."
"Why don't you make me get off your brothers lap?"
"Guys, just cool it okay?" Jordan, yelled, sitting on a barstool.

The arguing stops and we finish our pool game, that I lost. We then all sit around at a high table and order more beer. At this point, I'm pretty much ready for anything but erasing Marc out of my mind was not going to be an option tonight. I grab another beer but Marc grabs it from me. “I think you’ve had enough tonight,” he tells me but I grab it from him.

“HELL! NO!” I yell before taking a whack at it. “I WANTS MY BEER!”
“Gina, really, put the bottle down,” Marc tells me.
“YOUR NOT MY FATHER!” I yell after taking a sip.
“And thank god for that,” Marc replies.

Everyone is looking at Marc now. I throw the bottle at him but it misses him. Now the whole bar is looking. Marc stands up and looks at me in the eye. I maybe shorter than him, but I’m a tough cookie and Marc would never hit me, I know that.

“I’m not afraid to hurt your feelings,” Marc snaps at me. “I’ve done it before.”
“Okay guys, enough,” Jared tells us but we don’t listen.
“Well…I’m not either…in fact, I’m not afraid to embarrass your ass.”
“Do it then.”

Marc is keeping his poker face on but I can tell he’s not a happy camper. He pushes me. I push back. He pushes back and now I’m ready to hit him. Jordan gets a hold of me. “LET ME THROW A PUNCH AT HIM!” I yell but Jordan brings me out of the bar.

“I’m drunk, remember!”
“Oh good, you can admit to that, but seriously, that took it too far!”
“I’m just trying to look out for you! I’m bringing you home!”

Jordan brought me home and I crashed out. I don’t even remember the car ride home. I do remember thinking to myself that I’m the worlds biggest idiot on the god damn planet. I also remember thinking that Marc Staal and I would never speak again after this bar fight. That, I could count on happening…

I think.