Sequel: Come A Little Closer

I Still Remember

Pscyhological Times and Rampages

We got back to the house with campfire stuff for smores and all gathered around outside while Eric and Jordan started a fire. It was Eric, Tyan, Jordan, Syd, Jared, Marc, Francesca, and myself. I say on a log next to Syd, while we watched Marc try to talk her into making a smore. “Marc, those are so fattening!” She complained.

“Go to the fucken gym then tomorrow,” Sydney told her off in mouthfuls.

She shot Sydney a death glare while Sydney laughed and continued eating her smore. I kept staring at Marc and Francesca, while remembering how in the summer Marc and I would do this, and just sit and talk about nothing for hours on end. Francesca caught me looking at him and shot me a glare, so I turned away and looked at Sydney. “We’re going to get rid of her, I have a plan,” Sydney told me as I nodded.

“So, whos ready for tubbing tomorrow!?” Eric exclaimed.
“Wait, are you being serious! I’m in!” Syd and I yelled in unison.
“I think we’re in as well,” Marc said for Francesca. “Should we go look for the tubes and life vests?”
“Lets, I want to see if theres one for Parker,” Tanya said, getting up from the log.

Way to leave us with the bitch Tanya, I thought to myself as all the guys got up to go to the shed to look for everything, leaving Syd and I with Francesca, who was wearing Marcs Sudbury Wolves hoodie…wihich was my favorite hoodie of Marcs. “So…” Syd began, “Are you excited for tubbing tomorrow?”

“I will tan, but not get in the water.”
“That works…considering there are sharks here,” I replied, as Syd began choking on her smore.
“Run that by me again?”
“We have sharks here, no big deal. I got bit by one when I was seven…on my ass,” Syd replied, as I tried to keep a straight face.
“You girls are lying, no wonder Marc thinks your obnoxious,” Francesca replied.
“Do you really think we’d make up that there are sharks in Thunder Bay?”

Francesca rolled her eyes and began playing with her nails. I raise my eye brow at Sydney, who’s trying to contain herself from laugher. “Marc doesn’t think I’m obnoxious,” I begin, as Sidney puts a marshmallow on a pole. “He thinks I’m immature.”

“Same thing.”
“No, theres a big difference.”
“You know how dumb you girls sound? Just goes to show how dumb you really are. Sharks in Thunder Bay.”

Syd stopped what she was doing and glared at Francesca. If there was one thing Syd hated, it was called being dumb. Why? Because we were two of the smartest girls from Thunder Bay…or possibly all of Onatraio. “Want to say that again?” She said, throwing the marshmallow over her shoulder.

“You’re dumb.”
“Excuse me, I am not dumb. Infact I am far from dumb.”
“You saying you far from dumb isn’t going to prove me wrong. I’m looking at you right now, you’re pretty dumb.”

Syd stood up and across from the fire, looking directly at Francesca. I decided to sit this one out and let Syd take care of it, because to be quiet honest, even though I’m the future lawyer, Syd was better at winning arguments than I was. “We are not dumb. Just to inform you, I graduated in the top five of my grade twelve class from Hillcrest High with a 4.9 GPA. Impressive, I know. Oh, and did I fail to mention that I got a full ride to DePaul University in Chicago, which is a Division One school for that matter, and studied both psychology and education, making me a psychology teacher at Loyola Academy, one of the best schools in the North Shore,” she began as Francesca rolled her eyes at us. Now the fire was fueled.

“Also,” Syd continued, “My best friend here, just happened to start her first two years of college while she was at Hillcrest High, were she also graduated in the top five of our grade twelve class with a 4.5 GPA…oh and did I mention she graduated top in prelaw from Loyola Chicago and is in their law school? Yeah that’s right, so don’t call us dumb!”

Syd sat down and I looked at her. I never saw Sydney go off at someone like that. Francesca folded her arms across her chest. “That’s impressive, but your still dumb,” she said, glaring at Sydney, who was now even more pissed off.

“Did you know study’s show that girls like you are the way they are because they never had attention from their fathers? I guess you never got along with your dad?”
“And did you know smart girls like you finished last?”
“Honey. I am okay with that,” Sydney snapped at her.
“Just because you two are wicked smart, doesn’t mean that it will get rid of me.”
“Tell me something,” Sydney began, leaning forward. “Does Marc tell you he loves you all the time? Do you really love Marc.”
“Don’t pull your psychology bullshit on me.”
“Is Marc even it worth it for you? Or are you with him because it’s convenient for you?”

I held my laughter in as Syd continued to try and get inside of her head. It was working, for the most part. I had to admit, Francesca was on to our game. She got up as the boys and Tayna came back. “Is everything okay?” Marc asks her as I try to contain my laugher.

“Marc, you love me right?”
“Why would you think I wouldn’t?”
“Just making sure. I’m going to go to sleep. Night babe,” she says, giving him a long, passionate kiss.

I look at Syd, who looks like she’s going to gag. We watch them walk away as Marc sits on the log and looks at Syd and I. “I don’t know what you two said to her, but you two are really immature for your age,” he tells us as I laugh.

“We didn’t do shit,” Sydney began.
“What are you talking about?” I end for her.
“Just stop it,” Marc replies.

Marc rolls his eyes and shoots me the death glare. I shoot him one back, as Sydney and I give each other the eyebrow. Operation get rid of Francesca was going smoothly so far, and we were in the process of getting inside or her head and rid of her.

And I enjoyed it.