Status: Comment on what you liked, disliked and what i could have done better. =)

Loving a Shithead

Chapter 3

The next morning i woke to people whispering outside my door. I slid out of my bed trying not to make any noise. I walked quickly and quietly over to the door. I immediately recognized the voices. They belonged to Jimmy, Zacky, and Leanna. There conversation was interesting.

"Do you think she's awake?"Leanna asked.

"I'm not sure, but what if she got eaten by zombies,"Jimmy said.

"Dumbass we probably would've heard them,"said Zacky.

"I'm sorry it was just a thought,"Jimmy muttered.

"I think she's awake,"said Leanna.

"Why do you think that?"Jimmy and Zacky asked simultaneously.

Leanna sighed,"'Cause if you two weren't busy arguing over zombies and such, you would've heard her stifling her giggles."

"Ohhh,"the both said.

I pulled the door open and they all fell in to my room. I said,"Well good morning to you too." There faces turned red. I just laughed and walked into my closet and grabbed clothes. They were still laying there watching me walk across the floor. I looked at them weird and walked into the bathroom.

Once i shut the bathroom door i heard them scramble up, close my door, and walk quickly down the stairs. I turned the shower on. As I was waiting for it to warm up I put my ipod onto it's dock and pressed shuffle. I heard Bo burnham's voice fill the bathroom with Rant. I laughed as i stripped down and went into the shower.

I finished my shower a few minutes later. I cleared off the steam on the mirror. I looked at my face. I tilted it to the right, and then to the left. There was nothing special about me, and i don't care. I looked a little longer. I smiled slowly. I thought 'New life, new piercing'.

I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom. I made sure to throw on my swimsuit in case we stopped at the beach. I did my makeup quickly and slipped in piercings. On my way down the stairs i grabbed my converse, drawing book and a good pencil, and my ipod.

I pushed open the kitchen door to be met with the smell of... Coffee. I hate coffee with a burning passion. I shock my head and smiled.

Leanna walked up to me, hugged me and asked,"How did you sleep?"

"Like a bear during hibernation,"I said,"until i was awoken by three voices, and they weren't the ghosts of Christmases past, present, and future."

"Haha," Jimmy said sarcastically and pouted,"nest time i won't come up and check if my daughter was being eaten alive by zombies."

"Zombies want brains,"i said,"so i will be the only one in danger."

"HEY!" they all shouted and threw something at me.

"Okay, okay Leanna, Val, Michelle, Lacey, and Gena won't have to worry,"i said,"but the rest of you will." They thought over what i said. They girls laughed while the guys pouted. "Okay, so are we still going shopping?" i asked, which i soon realized was a dumb question.

"YEAH!!" all the girls shouted. After that we all grabbed our stuff, and when i say all, i mean they guys too. I don't know how the got roped into this though.

As we left for the mall which was a good 10-15 minutes from here if you drove like Brian. I was scared for my life. I plugged my earbuds into my dinosaur of an ipod. I was listening to B-E-A-utiful by Dot Dot Curve.

Once we finally parked the girls dragged me out of the car. I looked behind and yelled for help but they didn't. They just stood there and laughed. I finally slipped away from them and ran the other way, just to be unfortunately picked up by someone and thrown over their shoulder. I complained, beat on their back, and wiggled around but they wouldn't let me go.

Once we got through the doors of the mall the person dropped me. I looked and saw that it was Brian. I flipped him off and walked up with the girls. I got bored of walking and jumped on Zackey's back and told him to Mush, like the people with the sled dogs in the Iditarod. Hehe I-Dit-A-Rod.

Okay away from my weirdness. We were getting alot of attention from people. Mainly cause the guys were famous. But many guys stared at the girls and me. They were quickly shut down by the glares from the guys.

*3 hrs later*

We were finally finished. We went to god knows how many stores. Yet i wasn't tired. Maybe cause of the 8 Rockstars i had. Once we reached the SUV we threw the bags in the back which caused it to tower to the ceiling. I heard what sounded like a dog.

I walked to my side of the car and opened it. There sat a American Pitbull staring at me. I hugged Jimmy and Leanna. I decided to name him Mayhem. I found out we were going to the beach.

When we got there i stripped out of my clothes and bracelets since i had my swimsuit on under it. I heard a gasp and turned around. They were staring at my back.

"You already have a tattoo?" Dad asked.

"Actually two,"i said,"I have the one you guys have saw and surprisingly the one you haven't." I showed them my wrist and said,"Alis volat propriis, It means 'She flies with her own wings'." After that we all took off towards the water except for Leanna cause she wasn't feeling well, so she watched Mayhem for me.

We decided to play chicken. Me on Jimmy's shoulders then Val on Matt's shoulders. Surprisingly we won. Then it was Johnny and Lacey. We didn't beat them.. We annihilated them. We lost to Brian and Michelle, and Gena and Zacky gave up.

We were there for a few hours. Once the sun was starting to go down we all decided to head home.

Once we were there I grabbed as many bags as i could grab and so did everyone else. It ALL came in at one trip. We, us girls, started to unpack everything while the guys started to grill.

It took about an hour to and hour and a half to finish unpacking and putting everything away. Once food was done we all ate. I had another gift. It was a Sidekick. I got a skin for over the top of it.

Once we finished with everything i went up to bed with my puppy and fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I may switch between Jimmy and Dad in the story but they are the same person. Same with Leanna i will switch between Leanna and Mom.
What she got:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

thinking about adding maybe 1or 2 more famous people. I just don't know who.