Status: Comment on what you liked, disliked and what i could have done better. =)

Loving a Shithead

Chapter 4

FFW-2 days

I woke up and immediately regretted it. It was the beginning of Hell as we knew it. Okay i'm being a tad bit over-dramatic but i mean come on it's High School. What ever if i don't make it i will come back and haunt everyone. Okay maybe i won't cause i'm not sure if that's possible.

I slid out of my bed, stretched and walked down stairs quietly since i was the first one up. I entered the kitchen, went over to the random I-pod dock they had and plugged it in. Noise came on and i smiled slightly. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed my Monster. They save the youth of the world, one hyper kid at a time. I felt eyes on my back as i was reaching for my Pop-Tarts.

I turned slowly and saw an unfamiliar face. I looked suspiciously at him with a cocked eyebrow i asked,"Who the fuck are you and why are you here?"

He chuckled,"I'm Matt."

"Nice to know, but you didn't answer my second one,"i stated.

He answered,"I'm Zacky's brother, and you are?"

"I'm Jimmy's daughter," i said.

"Okay and your name is?"he asked

"Adrianna," i said, turned around and walked out the sliding glass door. I reached into my pocket grabbed one of my cigarettes and lit it up. I just stood there for a few minutes. It was removed from my lips but not from my own hand. I turned around to see Matt quickly finishing it and stomping it out on the ground. I glared at him and walked inside.

He just laughed and followed me. I huffed and turned around and he almost ran into me. I looked up at him smiling and biting my lip. I slid my hands up to his shoulders. As he came within an inch from my face i pushed him back. I started to head back upstairs. As i was exiting through the same door i looked back and smirked at his dumb founded expression.

I went straight to the bathroom after grabbing my clothes for the day. I stripped out of my pajamas and jumped into the shower. My skin turned a little red from the heat of the water.

I jumped out and grabbed my outfit and quickly put it on. The shirt was like the one i wore this morning i noticed. I straightened my hair and added the bare minimum when it came to make up. I looked at myself in the mirror and slightly adjusted my bangs so they weren't directly in my eyes. I then remembered something important. I ran into my closet, grabbed my beat up old converse (that i would probably never wear again) and reached inside. I found my mom's ring. It brought her good luck where ever she went so i hoped it did the same.

I knew everyone was up cause i heard crashing down stairs. I chuckled grabbed my shoes and walked silently down the steps. I re-entered the kitchen to find everyone in their. I walked in looking confused. Then i glared cause i saw the pest from this morning. I quickly smoothed out my glare and smiled at them.

I spoke,"Hey whats up?"

Jimmy just smiled at me and walked towards me. I backed up looking at him. He grabbed me in a hug. I awkwardly hugged back because i kind of had to hug his head. He let me down.

Jimmy then spoke,"We were talking about who was gonna bring you to school."

"Oh,"i said,"it's cool i have my board so i can make there on my own." I saw his hurt look and i quickly spoke,"Not that i don't want any of you to bring me, it's just i don't want anyone being friends with me because i'm your daughter."

He nodded his head understandingly and said,"Well another person has to come."

"And that is?"i asked.

"Well you don't know him," Jimmy said,"but Zack's brother, Matt, is still in school too."

I was about to speak but Matt cut me off,"Oh, trust me, we met."

The guys looked angry and i saved my ass again,"Ya i came downstairs to get my Monster and my Pop-Tart and he was staring at me."

"Oh you left out one part," he said.

"You wouldn't dare," i gritted through my teeth.

He smirked and said,"And i also stole her cigarette."

Jimmy looked at me and asked,"You smoke?"

I looked ashamed and replied,"Yeah, but I've been trying hard to stop," i paused and thought,"this is actually my first one in about 2 weeks."

They all nodded there head, Matt looked astounded and said,"What, so you're not gonna yell at her."

I chuckled,"I started cause i was stresses which was a few years ago."

"So that doesn't give you the right," he said.

I glared and walked up to him,"You couldn't fathom the shit i have dealt with."

"Oh, so you went through a rough patch just go to therapy," he said.

"It ain't that fucking easy," I said.

"Actually you shouldn't go to therapy,"he said,"you should to a fucking psycho hospital cause clearly you are."

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought him to eye level and said venomously,"You haven't fucking seen psycho," with that my open palm hit directly on his cheek.

Jimmy followed me out and gave me a hug. He looked at me and said,"Matt shouldn't of said that to you."

"So what, maybe i am psycho," i said bitterly. I heard yelling coming from the kitchen. I looked at my I-pod and saw the time. I had about 5 minutes to leave or i would arrive late.

As i was turning around they all walked out and gave me a hug, the guys first and then the girls. I grabbed my backpack. They all went back into the kitchen besides Matt B and Jimmy (i am now referring to Zacky's brother as Matt B). Jimmy handed me a box i opened it and saw a phone.

"Holy Shit,"i said,"thank you so much." I hugged Jimmy. He explained that their numbers were in my phone. We said goodbye to each other and i took off outside. Quickly so Matt B wouldn't catch up i hopped on my board. I guess i wasn't moving as fast as i wanted.

Matt walked up and said,"Okay, I'm sorry for the shit i said back their."

"Sorry's don't mean shit," I said.

He growled in frustration,"Look i'm trying to be nice to you."

"Why they aren't here," i said referring to Jimmy, the guys, and the girls.

He rolled his eyes and just walked beside me i pushed so i was ahead of him. I felt eyes on my back. Particularly my ass.

"Hey Matt," i called and he looked up.

He asked,"What?"

"Quit staring at my ass," I laughed as he turned red. We made it to school and i went into the office. I removed my hat fixed my hair put it back on, but removed my aviators i got from Matt of course.

"Can i get your name,"the receptionist lady asked.

I said,"Adrianna Sullivan."

"Oh so your the new girl," a girls voice asked from behind.

I grabbed my schedule and said,"Ya, and you are?"

"Oh, I am Aurora, but call me something else cause i hate it," she said.

I chuckled looked and saw what she looked like, she had blonde, black, and pinkish hair. I replied,"Okay but i mean it can't be worse then Adrianna."

"Eh i'll just call you D since it would be odd to call you A," she said.

"Okay," I said.

We both walked out of the office and she said,"Let me see your schedule." I handed it to her she scanned it over and started doing a mini happy dance.

"Are you okay," i asked.

"Hell yeah, my new bestie has all my classes!"she shouted.

A girl that looked strangely like her but had black walked up and asked,"Hey what about me?"

Aurora just replied,"It's okay Melanie i still love you but its family love and this is friend love."

Aurora introduced us. I ended up nick naming her Rory since in a way it fit her. I followed her as she led me to her locker. Once we reached it an unpleasant surprise was leaning against it.

I glared at Matt and asked,"What the hell do you want?"

"Oh nothing but your charming personality," he said.

I chuckled and asked,"Does your cheek have my hand print cause i can always make the other one match." Rory and Melanie were just staring at us.

He glared,"If you fucking think about it...,"but he was cut off by a high pitched voice yelling for him.

"Oh Mattie,"she said as she walked up to us, and then eyed me, Rory and Melanie distastefully and finished,"why the hell are hanging out with these freaks."

He pecked her and said,"No reason." With that he turned and laughed.

I asked seriously,"Is it just me or did she look like a walking, talking Dorito." They both laughed and we headed off to class.
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Okay so i would have gone on with the chapter more but i have school tomorrow so yeah, tell me what you liked, disliked, and what i could've done better. By the way i need suggestions cause i'm gonna add a few more famous people into here

I know things are from this year and last but i don't even know what year it is supposed to be, so they are as old as i made them.