Status: Comment on what you liked, disliked and what i could have done better. =)

Loving a Shithead

Chapter 6

Ah finally the last hour. It was Math, so i didn't pay attention cause it bores me and i hate the teacher because she is a bitch. I looked up at the clock and saw there was about 10 minutes left. With about 5 minutes left now, she handed out the homework. It consisted of 2 pages with about 50 problems on each side. I told you she was a bitch.

As the bell rang i grabbed my stuff and sprinted to my locker. For some reason i looked back and ended up smacking straight into someone. I looked up and saw a guy with black hair and grey/blue eyes. For some reason he looked familiar.I didn't recognize him until he spoke.

He looked shocked and said,"Adrianna?"

I nodded and said,"Ya, who are you?"

"I'm your best friend from New York,"he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Adrian?"i asked.

He nodded his head. Once we stood up i wrapped him in a hug. He hugged back tightly. He has gotten bigger then i remembered. Not big in a bad way but a good way. We walked to my locker so i could grab my bag. I grabbed only my sketchbook, math notebook and textbook. We walked to his locker and then walked out.

Aurora and Melanie met me out there. They looked at me questioningly and asked,"Who is that?"

"This is my best friend since forever when i lived in New York,"I said.

Matt quickly cut in,"Speaking of New York, I brought both of your babies with me."

I squealed and hugged him. Melanie looked confused and asked,"Babies?"

I nodded and said,"Ya my car i inherited, and my drums."

"Ohhh,"they both said.

"Ya,"i said,"so when can you bring them over."

"Well tomorrow possibly but,"he said.

I asked,"But what?

"Your car isn't exactly running,"he said sheepishly.

"When i left it was working,"i said deadly,"what in the hell happened?"

He said,"Well um, my brother decided to take it on a joy ride."

"And,"i prompted him.

"Well he left it in a bad part and they fucked everything up under the hood,"he said.

I sighed,"That bitch is dead when i get a hand on him and its fine i can fix it." He nodded his head. I asked,"So, where exactly are you staying?"

"Um in a motel about a mile from here,"he said.

I shook my head and said,"Don't you have a cousin here still."

"Ya but he got a girl pregnant and ended up marrying her."he said.

"Oh,"i said,"maybe you can move in with me?"

"I don't think they would be to happy about that,"he said.

I nodded and said,"Okay well here is my number and call whenever and i will ask Jimmy." He nodded and walked away.

Aurora nodded and said,"Damn that boy is fine."

"So are we leaving or no?"i asked.

"Ya do you want to ride with us?"Melanie asked.

I nodded and said,"It beats the hell out of going up a hill on a skate board."

We got into her car and headed to my house. It took about a few minutes and we pulled into my drive way. Melanie stopped the car and we slid out. I grabbed my backpack and board from the back. I walked up to the house and tried to open it. It was locked for some reason. I sighed and remembered i had a trellis up to my window. I hopped the fence into the backyard.

I looked at the height to my window. It was about 10-20 feet, not that high. I hooked my feet and hands and started crawling up it. I am a modern day spider man. I got to my window, popped the screen out and lifted the window fully open. I threw the screen open and pulled myself through the window.

I told of the window sill straight onto my floor. I picked myself up, grabbed the screen and popped it back in. I shut my window and locked it. I walked downstairs. I heard them in the studio downstairs. I groaned and walked to the door opening it and letting the twins in.

"How did you get in,"they asked at the same time, which is starting to freak me out.

"Climbed up the trellis, popped the screen open and lifted my window so it opened," i said as if it was the simplest thing. They nodded their heads. "I'm gonna go look downstairs real quick," i said and without waiting for a reply i walked down into the basement. The studio was awesome.

My dad looked up and was the first to see me. He ran up and hugged me. He asked,"How was school?"

"It was great but i had the urge to hit someone," i said.

"And that person is?"he asked.

"Zacky's brother," i said.

"Oh," he said.

"Ya so i was wondering," i said.

He questioned,"What were you wondering."

"If we had space in the garage," i said.

"Do you want a car?" he asked.

I shook my head and said,"No, i have to re re-build my car."

Brian piped in,"You can re-build a car."

"Ya and break into a house if someone locks me out,"I looked at Jimmy.

"Shit,"he said,"sorry but how did you get in."

I told him what i told Aurora and Melanie. "So is there?"

"Ya, and i can tell thats not your only question," he said.

"Your correct," i said,"I know i just moved in but i ran into my best friend, who is practically a brother, today and he has no where to live.."

He cut me off,"He can move in."

I said,"Really, but i don't want to feel like i'm intruding.."

"Chill, I want you to be happy,"he said.

I hugged him and thanked him. I quickly added walking upstairs,"There may be an boy here tomorrow, don't worry he is dropping off my babies."

"Wait you have babies?"Johnny asked.

"Yes short-shit,"i said,"my car and drum kit are my babies."

Jimmy asked,"You can play drums?"

"Yup but i haven't in about 5-6 years," i said.

"Oh," he said,"well you can practice down here when we aren't here or busy."

I nodded, thanked him and walked upstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
First update of the New Year. I have to go to bed now cause it about 3 in the morning. This is kind of half-assed so yeah. Comment what you liked, disliked, and what i could've done better.