Status: Comment on what you liked, disliked and what i could have done better. =)

Loving a Shithead

Chapter 7 (Time Lapse)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SATURDAY MORNING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Adrian texted be me last night telling me he would bring my car over. I was happy since i would be able to see my baby again. Sadly he can only bring my car but not my drum set with him but he promised he would bring it over as soon as he could. I laid in bed for about an hour thinking about nothing and everything. I finally decided to get up.

I got up and did my usual routine of taking a shower and getting dressed. I grabbed my shoes and walked downstairs. I was humming Bring her down by Rob Zombie as i entered the kitchen to find an unpleasant sight. I sighed and said,"Matt, don't you have a home?"

Matt B turned around and answered,"Ya but i love to bug you."

"What ever,"I said,"I have a friend coming over and please don't scare them away."

He chuckled,"If you haven't scared them away i don't think anyone could."

I just huffed, turned, and walked to the fridge. I grabbed a Gatorade and walked out onto the front step. I sighed and pulled out the thing that only make me sane. I lit up and inhaled deeply. My phone started to vibrate. I looked down and saw it was a text from Adrian telling me he would be there in a couple minutes.

A few minutes later i was greeted by a truck towing my baby. Adrian jumped out and we unloaded the my car . We pushed it up into the garage after i opened the door. I was afraid to look under the hood.

I walked up and said,"I'm gonna kill your brother if i have to spend a lot of money re-building it, you know that right?"

"Ya i know,"Adrian said,"but i took a look and its not that bad."

I sighed and popped the hood up. It wasn't horrible but i wasn't to happy about it. I carefully inspected every inch of it, inside and out. I finished inspecting it about a half an hour later. "Well its not that bad and i don't have to waste a lot of money."

"Okay thats good," Adrian sighed.

He turned to leave and i said,"Wait a second."

"Wait," he said as he turned.

"You think you can drop of my car when its in need of a repair and not help," i stated.

"Come on,"he said,"you know way more about cars then me."

"Ya but your still gonna help me,"i said smirking.

He sighed,"Fine."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1hr later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I had Rob Zombie cranked up as me and Adrian worked on my car. He complained for about a good 10 to 15 minutes straight asking for a break. I finally relented and we sat and had lunch. We went straight back to work.

I was currently under my car checking shit under there when some one walked in.

"Adrianna,"the voice called,"where are you?"

It turned out to be Jimmy. I yelled back,"I'm under the car."

I guess he heard as he walked to the other side of the garage. I pushed the roller thing i was laying on out from under the car. I grabbed the bandanna that was in my pocket and i started wiping my hands off.

Dad chuckled and said,"You know if the others see this, they're gonna flip."

"Ya i know," I said smiling up at him.

He sighed and said,"I see your friend left."

I looked around confused,"He did?"

"Ya,"Jimmy replied.

"Thats why i didn't hear anyone complaining about my music,"i realized.

He said,"Ya so..."

"Dad was there a reason you came out here?"I asked.

He looked shocked that i called him dad but covered by saying,"Ya there was." I waited expectantly.

"What was the reason?"i asked.

"Oh yeah,"he said,"I was wondering if you would mind showing me you skills on the drums."

"I would but i don't have my drum set only my sticks here,"i said.

He looked at me,"You can use mine."

"Okay," i said. I got up and wiped the grease the best that i could off of my hands and followed him into his house. I grabbed my sticks and took off my shoes quickly and kept following. We got to the door and Jimmy pulled out 2 keys. He handed one to me and used the other to unlock the door. Our feet made barely any noise as we shuffled down the steps. They guys were all down there waiting. Jimmy pointed to the door and i walked in. I pulled my sticks out of my back pocket and tapped the drumhead a couple times and messed with the bass pedal.

I started playing the last song that i remembered before i moved. I started to pound out One by Metallica. I got into the steady rhythm by the time the harder shit came. I finished up and i looked through the window. The guys were staring at me. I stood up and walked out.

Matt said,"If i didn't know that you were adopted, i would've sworn you came from Jimmy."

"Thanks,"i said and muttered,"i think." I said,"So what did you guys think?"

They all answered with something close to awesome or fantastic. I nodded my head and thanked them and told them i was headed upstairs. I walked up the stairs and up more stairs and into my bedroom.

I took a shower to try and wash some of the grease off. I was kind of successful but not really.
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Ah i know i haven't updated in awhile but i have a good reason which is the fact that i have lost my touch when it comes to writing sooo i might not update in a while. Don't worry i haven't forgotten about you guys its just i think being stressed has to do with it too.
So you know the drill, comment what you like, disliked,and/or what i could've done better