Are You Feeling Me Now?

Chelsea, Chelsea

I watched with wide eyes as Chelsea strutted by in what looked like another new dress. Her blonde hair was always perfect, and hung halfway down her back. Her red strapless dress with white polka dots, clung to her curves perfectly, and swayed with every step she took. She laughed at something her friend said, and the two walked by without as much of a glance in my direction.

“John, snap out of it,” Jess said clapping in front of my face, “You stare at her everyday, why don’t you just talk to her.”

“Like she’d ever talk to me,” I said scoffing at her, “She’s the girl that has a new dress everyday, and isn’t going to be impressed just anybody. Especially me.”

“You’d be surprised how us girls work,” Jess said shrugging.

I put what she said in the back of mind, and the subject was soon changed as everyone joined us at our table. We had all come to the mall, in order to put off band practice, and Jess and I were the only ones who didn’t want food.

“I’ve been meaning to tell you guys that the school wants us to play prom this year,” Brian said biting into his pizza.

“You said yes, right?” I asked stealing a fry from my brothers tray.

“Of course, we’d be stupid not to play,” he said excitedly, “The prom’s on April 19th, so that gives us about a month to polish the set. They want two covers, and then two originals.”

“We can learn a slow song, and then do our cover of Love In This Club,” Stephen said joining in, “As for originals, how about Can You Find Me?”

“And we could work on a new one to debut at the prom,” Jess suggested giving me a weird look.

“That’s perfect,” Josh said piping in, “Do any of you have anything started?”

Everyone shook their head’s, and the idea immediately popped into my mind. I could write a song for Chelsea, and finally have the chance for her to notice me. I knew she wouldn’t have a date at prom, she never had one to school dances. It was always her and her friends.

“I’ve got the perfect idea guys,” I said getting excited with my plan, “I’ll write the lyrics over the next few days, and bring them to practice Wednesday night.”

Jess gave me a knowing look, and the guys all told me that I better have them completely done. We stayed at the mall for a while, before all deciding to head home and get ready for the week of school ahead. As soon as I got into my room, I pulled out my lyric book and started writing the song for the girl of my dreams.


I fiddled nervously with my guitar as I stood in the makeshift backstage area of the stage they had us playing on tonight. I peaked out at the crowd, and in the middle of the floor, standing in her stunning black silk dress, was Chelsea. She was moving with the beat of the song, and I could feel my nerves getting worse.

“Alright, you guys are on,” the principal said coming up to us, “Good luck.”

We all thanked her, and walked onto the stage, earning some cheers from the awaiting student body.

“We are The Summer Set, and we’re gonna slow it down for a few minutes before picking it back up,” Brian said into the mic before allowing Jess to count off.

We started playing Iris by The Goo-Goo dolls, and I watched as all of the couples slow danced in front of us. We followed up with Love In This Club, which got the crowd moving, and played Can You Find Me to keep the dancing going.

“For our last song, we’re playing a brand new one,” Brian said looking at me, “John, care to explain it?”

“I wrote this about a girl, and I think she’ll know exactly who she is,” I said glancing at Chelsea before Josh faded into the song.

I bounced around the stage, truly enjoying the song, before approaching the mic and singing the part I knew I had to.

“And if it’s worth your time, I got ten digits I’d like you to find,” I sang locking eyes with Chelsea, “But no, I won’t get that call. You’ve got so much to give, I’ve got nothing at all.”

I backed away from the mic and kept my head down, concentrating on my guitar. Brian finished the song while sing the last 3 chorus’, and bid the crowd goodnight before leading us all off stage.

We put our instruments away, minus Jess who used the schools kit, before going and joining our peers. I made my way to the punch bowl, and ran into my friend James while pouring my cup. We started talking, along with his date, before he stopped and nodded behind me while turning away.

I turned around, confused, and came face to face with Chelsea. She held her million dollar smile on her face, and licked over her lips as she opened her mouth to talk.

“So I was wondering where I could get those 10 digits you talked about in your song,” she said sweetly, “Which was very flattering, might I say.”

I felt my voice catch in my throat, before I was able to grab her outstretched phone and program my number into it. she gave me a thanks, and leaned in to kiss my cheek before returning her phone to her clutch and walking away.

I felt the smile grow on my face, and made my way through the students to find Jess. I found her at the table with Brian and Stephen, and wrapped her shoulders in a hug.

“You are my new hero Jess, I love you,” I said to her while hugging her, “She actually took my number, and called my phone so I’d have hers. Thank you times a million.”

“Like I said John, girls work in mysterious ways,” she said returning my hug.

For the rest of the night, I kept the smile on my face. I had finally spoken to the girl I had wanted forever, and she had listened.
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i hope you guys like it :)
my own twist on the story behind the song :)