Cosmic Love


Lexi, Stefan, and I were having a great evening. We were dancing and laughing. Stefan seemed to actually be having a good time. After we got tired of moving around and practically dragging Stefan to dance, we moved to the pool tables. Stefan was a lot more into that.

After a couple rounds of pool Lexi offered to go get us some shots. Stefan and I continued playing having our own little bet going. It was awhile before Lexi came back. “Yup, I drank both of yours. Sorry,” she said to me and Stefan.

“Thank you,” said Stefan, smiling at Lexi.

“You weren’t supposed to be listening,” she scolded. Stefan just kept smiling at her. “I was feeling epic,” said Lexi looking embarrassed. “Whatever.”

“I feel like I missed something,” I said looking between them. Lexi just smiled secretively as Stefan stared off into the distance. Following his gaze I saw Elena. Who looked up back at Stefan. “Oh,” I said. “I’m going to go freshen up in the bathroom,” I said.

“Oh, I’ll join you,” said Lexi moving with me towards the restroom. Then she stopped in her tracks. “You go ahead. There’s something else I have to do.” She turned and walked away towards the bar. Looking at the bar I saw Damon sitting on one of the stools. My guess was that’s where she was going. Shrugging my shoulders I continued into the bathroom.

As I came out of the bathroom I saw Stefan and Elena shoving their way through the crowd. Stefan’s body was filled with tension. I could see through the desperate way he moved something was desperately wrong.

I followed as quickly behind them as I could. The people that were milling about the place slowed me down. They kept getting in my way and would rudely not move. I’m pretty sure I stepped on a lot of people’s toes, literally and figuratively. When I finally exited the building out the back I heard a few gunshots.

As I turned towards them I saw Stefan and Elena at the edge of the building. Elena gasped and Stefan put his hand over her mouth. He pressed both of them against the wall of the building. Quietly I moved over to him. What I saw made me suck in my breath.

Damon stood with a stake in Lexi’s chest. The sheriff stood with a gun pointed at both of them. Lexi looked at Damon with a sad and pitiful expression. “Why?” she asked. I’m guessing Damon said something before he plunged the stake into Lexi’s chest. She crumbled to the ground instantly decaying. Tears sprung to my eyes.

“You okay?” Damon turned to ask the sheriff.

“Yeah,” she said shakily. “Get it in the car quickly.” Both her and Damon moved and helped put Lexi in the trunk. I could feel my fangs extend and the blood vessels under my eyes fill with blood. My vision became sharper as I felt the vampire in me come forward.

I took a step forward before Stefan’s arm stopped me. He shook his head and I knew he was right. If I went out there, I would be killed too. Instead we waited till they were gone. Once they were Stefan moved quickly. He didn’t speak or look at any of us. “Stefan,” said Elena moving to keep up with him. He kept walking though and didn’t look at her. “Stefan,” she said running a bit until she could stop him.

“He killed her,” said Stefan instantly. His voice was choked up with tears. “He killed Zach, he killed Tanner, he turned Vicki. I have to kill him,” he said with a note of finality. He turned to walk away.

“No,” said Elena going after him. “You can’t do that.” I was shocked that Stefan would go to that extreme. I wasn’t sure what I should do either. I don’t know if I should let Damon be killed or if I should urge Stefan against it. It would help me if I did, but I don’t want Damon to die. He doesn’t deserve to die. There’s just something about him.

“Why are you trying to save him?” asked Stefan. “Elena, he’s never going to change. Don’t you see that? He’s never going to change.” Stefan moved again towards my car.

“I’m not trying to save him. I’m trying to save you. You have no idea what this will do to you. Please, Stefan,” begged Elena.

“Everywhere that I go pain and death follow. Damon follows me. No more,” said Stefan. He moved to go again but Elena stopped him.

“Stefan, please, please, just talk to me. Let me be here for you. Talk to me.”

“No,” said Stefan. “You were right to stay away from me.” He turned and walked away. Elena no longer followed him. I did however since he was coming home in my car.

“Stefan,” I said moving up beside him. I easily kept pace with his movements.

“Don’t try and talk me out of it,” he said. “He’s done too much.”

“I’m not going to try and talk you out of it. I’m going to reason with you. Stefan, after all that Damon’s done and everyone that he’s hurt, he is still your brother. Can you kill him?”

“I have to,” said Stefan still moving. We reached the car and began the drive home. We drove in silence and I could see how agitated Stefan was. I drove slowly hoping the time would calm Stefan down. But as the house pulled into sight he still seemed as distressed as ever.

“Stefan, you wanted this,” I said. “You made him change.” As I pulled up to the front of the house I turned to look at Stefan. He simply got out and moved inside the house without saying anything. Once he was inside I moved, following him.

I went inside and made myself a drink, sitting in front of the fire. I sipped it slowly as I watched the flames dance. I then heard the front door open. I turned towards the archway and saw Damon standing in it. I glared at him as he walked towards me.

“Don’t look at me with those eyes,” he said. “I did us all a favor.”

“Is that what you call it?” I asked.

“Yes, considering it got the sheriff off our backs. She wanted a vampire, she got a vampire. It was going to be you but then Lexi showed up.”

“Well, thanks for your kindness,” I hissed. He rolled his eyes and exited the room. It was about 15 minutes later that I heard sounds of a fight. As in bodies hitting the wall. I moved towards it quickly. The scene I walked in on was Damon with a stake in his stomach. Stefan shoved past me. He was still agitated and angry.

Damon’s eyes looked surprised and vulnerable. He probably didn’t think that he would be staked. That he could be that close to death. He saw me standing there and simply stared, not knowing to make of what I was doing. I wasn’t sure either.

Instead of helping him though I moved away. He deserved to feel the pain. He needed to remember what if felt like. Although I’m pretty sure he’s had enough. I moved up to my room and after changing into pajamas, I crawled into bed and shut off the lights. I didn’t know how much longer I could stand by and not get involved with their fights.