Status: Slow, but active

Your Love Is My Drug

Maybe I need some sleep

“So do you have date yet?” Leah asked as I entered our dorm.

I nodded smirking as I changed my sweatpants into jeans.

“Who?” she asked excitedly.

“Harry” I admitted.

“Oh my god, you’re going with Harry Potter” she muttered

I laughed nodding; “But are you two a couple?” she asked confused.

I shrugged my shoulders; “I mean Cedric asked me to go with him but I feel like Cedric has been pushing me towards an actual stable relationship” I murmured.

She nodded; “it’s understandable, you enjoy the stability with having the same guy there but
you don’t want to be tied down” she noted.

I nodded, “Thanks for understanding” I admitted.

“I’m like that right now, Seamus and I have agreed to have a thing where we don’t worry about the future” she pointed out.

“So have you snogged Harry again after that episode by the lake?” she asked.

I shook my head; “Have you received you winter uniform yet?” I asked her as I changed the conversation.

She nodded handing me a packet, “Yours came as well” she pointed out as we changed into our uniforms.

“Thanks” I murmured as I brushed my hair before putting my blue hat on.

“Ready?” she asked.

I simply just smiled and nodded as we left the dorm room with Marie and Bridgette following behind us as they talked about their dates.

The rest of the walk from the tower towards the great hall was pretty quiet, no one was really talking. There wasn’t anything to talk about at the moment.

“So since you’re technically single, any Durmstrang boys for your liking?” Leah asked as we took our seats at the Gryffindor table.

I smirked; “Well there are some cute ones” I pointed out.

Hermione sent me a look before sending her gaze over to Ron and Harry who were now taking their seats too.

“So Ron, how are you after your little incident?” I asked softly, I somewhat felt bad for him for
going after Fleur.

He just shook his head; “Don’t mention it” he muttered.

I nodded, sending him a weak smile. “It’ll be alright, you’ll find a date” I murmured.

“Yes because Harry’s already gotten one” he muttered in distaste.

Shrugging my shoulders I started eating my salad, “Are you two now a couple then?” Ginny asked curiously.

I shook my head; “Not that I know of” I told her as I continued eating.

“Excited to go back to France?”Bridgette asked me.

“My god yes, you have no idea. I never thought I would miss France this much” I admitted excitedly.

Bridgette laughed; “Are you going to see Michael while you’re in Paris?” she asked softly.

I shook my head; “I’m not going back there, I’m finally free” I muttered.

She nodded; “I’m proud of you hun” she rubbed my shoulder before getting back to her salad.

“Do you girls ever eat anything?” Ron asked incredulously seeing that all four of us were eating salad.

“Well excuse us for wanting to stay small” Marie retorted.

“You four are already small” he pointed out.

“Yes and if we start to pig out we’ll become whales” Marie pointed out.

“She has a point there” I agreed.

“You believe in that nonsense too?” he asked hitting a nerve there.

All three girls that were in my dorm looked at me carefully and so did Hermione.

I pushed away my plate of food before getting up and walking away getting worried looks from all four girls.

The truth was I had been fighting anorexia since my second year at Beauxbatons, and I was making progress but then I would have a relapse. Hermione knew about it since her parents were informed when I sent to live with them during the summer and Bridget, Marie and Leah were like my sisters in France who were there when I needed their help with my problem.
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