Status: Slow, but active

Your Love Is My Drug

My heart is fried

Leah and I passed by a group of Ravenclaw girls and the way they were talking was if they wanted the whole world to know about their business.

“Did you hear who asked Cho to the ball?” one girl asked.

“Who?” the other girl asked excitedly.

“Harry Potter” she answered laughing.

“Why would he ask her?” she asked.

“How would I know? All I know is that Cho said no” she replied.

Leah stopped walking and stared at me; “They’re just gossiping” she murmured as we continued walking.

“I don’t care, I want to know if I was his first choice or not” I muttered.

“And if you were?” she asked worried.

“Then I’m going with Cedric” I hissed.

“Go find Cedric for me?” I asked her softly.

She nodded heading towards the courtyard as I headed towards the library where Harry and Hermione were studying.

“Hey” Hermione greeted.

I smiled; “Can I talk to you for a second?”I asked facing Harry.

“Ya, uhm sure” he said standing up.

I walked with him to an empty area of the library.

“So what do you need?” he asked.

“I need to know if I was the first girl you asked to the dance. You know just for bragging
rights” I asked him, making up the best excuse ever.

“Well actually I sort of asked Cho first” he admitted softly.

“Harry, I’m really sorry but I promised myself I wouldn’t go with someone knowing that I wasn’t their first choice” I murmured looking at him.

“No I understand you want to go to with someone that’s kissing the ground you walk on” he hissed.

I glared at him; “well next time don’t fucking ask me to go first” I spat before walking out of
the library.

“You ok there?” Cedric asked chuckling once I ran into him and Leah.

I looked at Leah and shook my head; she laughed amused and walked off.

“What was that about?” he asked kissing me softly.

“So Leah made me think about it” I told him.

“Yes?” he asked taking my hand in his.

“She thinks a serious relationship would be good for me” I admitted softly.

He smiled; “Would this be the proud Sophie admitting she’s ready for a steady thing?” he asked.

I smiled before pressing my lips against his.

I knew this was wrong, I knew it was terribly wrong what I was doing. But I was utterly pissed at Harry for even getting my hopes up that I was his first choice. I should have known that I wasn’t, and I was naïve. Something that I had learned not to do since starting at Beauxbatons.

And what I was doing to Cedric wasn’t better, but maybe my lies did make since. Maybe

Cedric really was what I needed; maybe I did need some type of security and stability in my life to keep from going insane.

“So you’ll go to the ball with me?” he asked after we pulled away for air.

I nodded, “So since we’re doing something steady, that makes you my boyfriend right?” I asked him.

He chuckled grinning, “I’ve done the impossible” he pointed out.

“Don’t start bragging about” I warned him playfully.

Cedric obeyed as he pulled me with him towards his group of friends.

“Hey Richard” I smiled.

Richard chuckled; “You two are ridiculous” he pointed out.

I laughed; “This time it’s my fault” I admitted about Cedric and I having a thing again.

Richard shook his head; “Start the countdown again guys” he told the rest of them.

They all groaned and took out a small piece of parchment from their bags,

“So last time they only lasted two weeks, we start betting there or aim higher?” one asked.

I looked over at Cedric, who looked amused,

“Just add half a week, you never know. This time could be the milestone” Richard pointed out.