Status: Slow, but active

Your Love Is My Drug


“Keep your hands to yourselves” Ron muttered walking in on Harry and I in their dorm room; Harry and I had just been killing time by going up to his room and kissing for fun.

“Sorry Ron, I can leave if you want” I offered pushing Harry off me and sitting up.
“It’s fine, I’m supposed to be meeting up with Charlie in a little bit” he pointed out, causing me to remember that I promised to meet up with Charlie this afternoon. Charlie kept pursuing the thought of him seeing me again and I had finally given in and told him I would see him today.

“No, really. I forgot that I told Audrey that I would help her out with her Charms homework” I murmured sending him a smile.

“Are you sure you can’t stay?” Harry chuckled trying to pull me back to his side.

“I promised her I would help her. Why don’t you try to figure out the second clue?” I pointed out to him as I got off the bed.

“Alright, stop by later?” he asked me.

“I might, I’m going to Paris tomorrow with the sixth years so I might just go to sleep after finishing with Aubrey” I admitted sending him a smile before walking out of the dorm room and heading towards the common room.

Hermione sent me a look as I walked past her, she knew perfectly well where I was going and she wasn’t happy about it; she had made that perfectly clear a few days ago when I had finally let her in on the secret affair I was having with the elder Weasley. She wasn’t happy about what I was doing to Harry, especially since he had admitted to her about liking me too much for his own good.

Meeting up with Charlie wasn’t too hard, he was on the grounds to finish up business from the first task with the dragons and once I found him we headed towards Hogsmead.

Technically since I was with Charlie at the moment I was allowed off grounds with him.

“Are we heading back to your place?” I asked him.

“ I wanted to treat you to dinner at the Three Broomsticks and then I was thinking we could go hang around Diagon Alley for a bit before heading to my place” he murmured softly smiling at me as we walked hand in hand down the road to Hogsmead.

Chuckling I leaned up and pecked his lips for a second before continuing to walk, leaning softly against him. Why I was doing this to myself I didn’t know, I knew I was going to end up falling for all three guys and eventually have to end up choosing one but I enjoyed the feeling of being wanted by three different guys was enough to make me content at the moment.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked softly, the silence was somehow soothing, neither
of us talking after he asked his question.

“Everything in general” I admitted softly.

“You sure?” he asked, worry in his voice; causing me to smile at him.

“I’m sure, just life in general, why things happen” I told him.

“If you say so, so how’s school been?” he inquired amused.

“I’m ditching school right now. The last thing I want to do is talk about school when I’m spending time you” murmuring I pressed my lips against his. He didn’t complain as he pulled me by my waist closer to him.

“How about we skip the cheesy date locations for now and head back to my place?” he offered as he pulled away from me.

Pouting I shook my head; “I was looking forward to going on a date with you”.

I received a grin as he nodded, continuing to walk towards the village until I pulled him back so that we weren’t walking anywhere anymore; just standing in the middle of the road.

“But we can always post pone the date till tomorrow morning and head back to your place right now” I offered smirking.

“Sometimes I wonder if this is right between us, there is an age difference” he noted.

“Age differences has never stopped people before” I refuted.

“Most of the time it’s not an eight year difference where you’re only fourteen and I’m twenty two” he sighed.

“You’re not forcing me to anything, if anything. I’m the one pursuing you” reminding him I smirked.

“And I question myself for pursuing you back and sleeping with you” he stated.

“You’re not the first guy for me to have had sex with, don’t feel bad for thinking that you’ve stolen my innocence; it’s been gone for a while.” I murmured smiling.

“And that exactly makes me question your sanity”.

“Don’t worry about my sanity, I already have people doing that for me. You should just worry about pleasing me” I bit my lip as I watched his face.

“You shouldn’t talk like that, it makes me work harder to stop myself from having you here right now” he groaned.

“Well if you would hurry up, stop trying to be morally correct and get us to your place we wouldn’t be in this situation” I whispered in his ear before beginning to place kisses on his neck.

“If you stop I would be able to concentrate on apparating there” he muttered causing me to laugh before pulling away from his neck and holding on to his hand so he could apparate.
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