Status: Slow, but active

Your Love Is My Drug

Finishing Things

The dance had been the best night of my life, had completely forgotten about the fact that I was supposed to have met up with Cedric, and been behind on homework and class work I spent the rest of break catching up on it. Not seeing Cedric till term resumed, it was now February.

“Can we talk now?” Cedric inquired as I ran into him as I walked out of the great hall after finishing lunch.

I nodded, following him to the courtyard. “Cedric, I’m sorry I forgot about talking to you on the night of the ball. I really am, I was just so caught up” I murmured looking up at him.

He nodded, letting me continue talking. “Look Cedric, I care about you really I do. I care about you enough to stop whatever we’re doing” I started out, avoiding looking in his eyes.

“If you care about me as much as you claim, why would you want to stop what we’re doing?
Don’t you see how much I care too?” He asked painfully.

“Cedric that’s why I’m doing this, stopping all of this; we’re hurting so many people including ourselves” I murmured finally looking at him in the eyes.

“And I won’t be able to do anything to change your mind?” he asked, sadness in his eyes.

“Cedric, don’t make this harder than it has to be. But I can’t do this to you and Harry at the same time” pleading I shook his shoulders.

“So that’s it then, Potter? He’s my competition? First Cho, now you?” he scoffed.

“No Cedric, it’s the other way around. But I can’t do this to the both of you, I’m not willing to be the reason that you two compete against each other when you already are for the tournament”

He shook his head; “I’m going to compete for you. You don’t seriously understand how important you are to me?” he asked.

“Cedric, you’re with Cho. I won’t have you compete for me when you’re with her. And don’t try to dump her so you can try to win me back. I’m not Harry’s nor am I yours. Please? Just let me end things with you in a good way, this tournament can be deadly and if anything happens to you I would never forgive myself if something happened to you during this tournament and you were busy thinking about winning me” I confessed, tears forming in my eyes.

He nodded, swallowing his pride. “I’ll accept your choice. Or at least I’ll try to.” He assured me, whipping away any stray tears from my cheeks.

I leaned up pecking his lips one final time, “Cedric, you really do mean a lot to me. And you deserve more than what I’ve been doing to you” I sighed softly.

“And you’re trying to prove that to me right now, and for that my feelings for you grow more. But I’ll accept your choice, I won’t pursuit you anymore” assuring me one final time before I walked away from him, hurrying to my dorm room so no one would see the water works on the brink from escaping down my face.

Leah and Audrey looked at me once I entered our dorm room; instantly pulling me into hugs.

“You finished things with Cedric?” Audrey asked softly comforting me as I laid my head in her lap and the rest of my body on my bed.

“It wasn’t easy, I actually felt something for him” I murmured as more tears escaped.

“And you gave him what he deserved, we know you’re not ready to settle and he somewhat was. You won’t be giving him false hope anymore” Leah comforted me as she rubbed my back.

“Then why do I feel so bad?” muttering I continued to stare at nothing in particular.

“Because you’re doing the right thing, the right thing isn’t always the easiest” she murmured, trying to make me feel better.

“You two go to class, I’ll just stay here and catch up on some sleep” I offered.

“No, you’d never leave us to cry our hearts out by ourselves. We won’t do that to you” Audrey warned me.

“I’ll get over him eventually right?” I asked them, a few more tears escaping down my face.

“It’ll be alright, you’ll get over him” Leah mumbled soothingly.

Nodding I sat up, “I’m alright” I murmured as I cleaned up my face, I got off the bed touching up my make up before brushing my hair.

“Where are you going?” they asked worried as I fixed my outfit.

“I’m going to class, are you guys coming along?” inquiring I looked at them.

“Are you sure?”

I nodded, “I’m fine. Really I am, I had my crying fest and now I’m going to class” I assured them.

“Are you sure? Cause we won’t mind missing class to be here for you” they repeated.

“I’m fine, really I am. I’ve had my moment. Now it’s my time to just move on. Keep living my life” assuring them I grabbed my bag and headed off to Potions.

“Where were you?” Hermione murmured as I took my seat next to her.

“Finishing things” muttering I took out the supplies that were written down on the board.

“What are you talking about?” confusion all over her face.

“It doesn’t matter, I just got things done” I ended the conversation as Professor Snape entered the room.
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Ten Stars. I'm a happy person right now :)