Status: Slow, but active

Your Love Is My Drug

Shark in the water

“Harry we’ll figure it out” I assured him as Hermione paced around the library frantically. The task was only hours away and she hadn’t come near to figuring out what Harry was going to be able to do for the task.

“Hey Sophie, reckon you know how Fleur is going to compete tomorrow?” Ron asked chuckling as he looked at me.

I shook my head; “No, and even if I did I wouldn’t tell you. This competition is to test you not for you to find someone to spy on your completion” I hissed, Hermione nodding in agreement.

“But we can figure this out, we can do this” Hermione assure them both as I looked for any books that would help Harry out.

Professor Moody coming up to us, causing us to stop our work; “McGonagall wants to see you lot in her office. Except for you Potter” he instructed as Neville walked by.

Hermione protested as Moody silenced her, “I’ll see you tomorrow morning before the task then” I told Harry softly.

He nodded quickly kissing me before I walked with Hermione by my side to the
transfiguration’s classroom.

“Do you know what she would possibly?” I inquired to Moody as he led us to Dumbledore’s office which I thought was strange but stayed quiet about the subject.

“No, now stop asking questions” he muttered, ending all the talking until we entered
Dumbledore’s office.

“Nice to see you three; now as you probably know, tomorrow is the second task. And the champions will be given an hour to retrieve their biggest treasures from the bottom of the lake. You three are three of the Champion’s biggest treasure. Now you’ll be put under a sleeping charm but no harm will happen to you. You’ll be able to breathe under water and the merpeople will be protecting you until the champions retrieve you. If they fail to do so they will bring you back to the surface” Dumbledore explained to us.

“Who’s champion’s treasure am I? I would understand Sophie being Harry’s and Hermione being Krum’s.” Ron spoke out, confusion all over his face.

“Mr.Weasley you happen to be Mr.Potter’s champion, Sophia is Mr. Diggory’s champion”
Dumbledore chuckled causing Ron to send me a glare, indicating me that he would be wanting to take to me after the task.

He was assuming that I was seeing Cedric behind Harry’s back, which I wasn’t after I ended things with him. This confused me more than it probably confused Ron.

“Now don’t worry, once I cast the charm you will be in a deep slumber” Dumbledore assured us walking up to us. Instantly I was taken by a deep sleep.

It seemed like an eternity until I woke up, which wasn’t pleasant being in the freezing waters of the lake. It was only February and I was going to end up with hyperthermia if I didn’t get out, the only problem was the waves everywhere pulling me back under. Thrashing around I found somebody’s firm grip pulling me with them to the stairs with people waiting with towels for me.

Completely forgetting the part where Dumbledore let us know that I was Cedric’s treasure I held on to him for dear life as they wrapped us in towels.

“Are you ok?” he asked worried pulling his towel over the many others I already had warming me up.

I nodded shaking as I got closer to him, his arms wrapping around my body; pulling me tighter to him as Fleur reached the surface.

“Don’t let go of me” I murmured softly, old feelings surfacing again; I knew I would regret this later.

Cedric simply nodded pulling me even closer, which I had thought would be impossible but he proved me wrong as we waited for others to get back to the surface. Finally when Hermione was brought up to the surface I pulled away from him to make sure she was alright.

“You’re ok” I muttered pulling her to my side, Krum nodding knowing how much I treasure the only family I almost had left.

She hugged me tighter trying to warm herself up quicker, “Where’s Ron?” she asked looking around.

“He’s not back” I murmured looking out into the lake, the only people left where Harry and
Ron and the time was running out for Harry to win at least a decent spot for the competition.

“It’s Ron” she exclaimed pulling from my hug and reaching out to help him up along with Fleur’s sister who was trembling from the cold. Before I could ask for Harry I saw him break the surface and start coming towards us.

I failed to notice Cedric’s displeased face as I helped Harry up to the dock, I handed him a dry towel as I grabbed another one to warm him up. Pulling me into an embrace he smashed our lips together for a few seconds before I pulled away to make sure he was getting warm.

“They wouldn’t let me save you” he murmured worried.

“You had Ron to save” I reasoned softly as I handed him another towel.

“I still got in last” he muttered.

“No you didn’t, Fleur never got past the Grindylow’s” Hermione grinned pulling him into a hug. Harry wincing from his scratches.

“You should get those looked at” I urged him.

“After we get you looked at” he refuted.

“I’m fine; Dumbledore assured us that we would be in no harm. It’s you we should be worried about” muttering I shook my head.
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Hope you like it :)