Status: Slow, but active

Your Love Is My Drug


“So you want to explain on why you happened to be Diggory’s treasure?” Ron hissed walking up to me in an empty common room. It had been a few days and I had been hoping that Ron had forgotten about this but most of the school had been whispering about how Cedric had emerged with me from underwater and not Cho like they suspected.

“How would I know?” I asked him softly as I looked up from my book.

“I recall that you two had something going on at the beginning of the year. You wouldn’t be still seeing him along with my friend would you?” He implied glaring at me.

“Ron, I would never do that to Harry. Much to your disbelief I actually care about him” I murmured softly, somewhat telling the truth.

I did care about Harry; that much I knew. But it wasn’t enough to make me feel bad for still seeing Charlie on the side.

“You sure? Word says you two still have been talking until recently” pointing out he continued to glare at me.

“Could you see Hermione cheating on someone? It might be shocking but I have most of the same values as her.” I lied simply.

I didn’t enjoy lying to people unless it was necessary. Things between Harry and I were going good and I didn’t Ron ruining things, it wouldn’t be pretty if he happened to find out about his brother and I. I was sure he would lose it and blow up on me.

“I’m watching you” he warned me as Harry and Hermione entered the common room conversing about something that probably wouldn’t grab my interest.

“We were looking for you” Hermione told me smiling.

“Ron and I just were conversing about quidditch” I told her.

“You play?” Harry asked confused.

Shaking my head I smiled, “No, I know how the game goes I’ve just never attempted to play”.

“And I was telling her that it was a shame sense it’s the best game” Ron admitted chuckling;

I sent him a look thanking him for going along with what I had said.

“I guess I’ll have to kidnap you soon to get you on a broom?” Harry asked smiling.

“I think she’s ridden on your broom already mate” Ron snickered causing Hermione to laugh as Harry and I avoided their gazes.

“You two haven’t gone that far have you?” Hermione asked worried, all amusement gone.

“No, we haven’t. Thanks for thinking of me like that” I muttered smirking.

“Well not my fault, you bring this upon yourself by the way you and your previous boyfriends have acted in front of my parents” she refuted.

I stuck my tongue out at her before I stood up and walked over so that I was standing in front of Harry. Ron and Hermione instantly becoming transfixed with the radio near them.

“Let’s go upstairs” he murmured standing up and taking my hand. I simply nodded and followed him upstairs. I didn’t feel like doing anything with Harry at the moment, just to spend time with him.

“I’ve missed you” Harry murmured softly as I laid my head on his shoulder as we just spent time with each other on his bed.

Chuckling I smiled; “You just saw me a few hours ago”.

“That was too long” complaining he took my hand in his causing me to laugh softly.

“Well then how are you going to handle this weekend? I’m leaving for the weekend to finish a few things in France”.

“When do you leave?” inquiring he sat up and looked at me.

“Thursday and I come back on Monday night” as I told him I sat up so that I was looking at him.

“What are you going to France for?” he asked confused.

“I have to check up on the estates that my parents left for me. Hermione’s can’t get in sense my parents applied charms so muggle’s wouldn’t find the places” I murmured.

“How is it that your parents are wizards but Hermione’s weren’t?” he asked confused.

“I’m related to Hermione through my dad, my dad was adopted when he was seventeen. For muggle’s he was still underage but he had just finished going to Durmstrang. So he just never said anything to Hermione’s dad but he felt like it was necessary to tell his adopted parents” answering his questions he was completely into the story.

“And Hermione’s father never knew?” asking he shook his head.

I shook my head; “He didn’t think he would understand him, he didn’t want to be shunned by his new sibling. So when my father got a job in the French Ministry he stayed there, and met my mother” adding more to the story.

“So that’s how you ended up being french and Hermione British” he concluded.

I nodded; “I never knew I had a cousin until just a few years ago, my parents still had the fear that Voldemort was still out there after news got out of what happened here your first year”.

“But they were french, Voldemort never had anything set for France” Harry noted confused.

“Harry both my parents were originally English, not french. They became french after moving there to get away from the war” reminding him he still looked confused.

I didn’t want Harry to know what my parents had been involved with prior to their deaths. If
Harry hadn’t been told by Dumbledore then Harry didn’t deserve to be condemned to this until it was necessary.

“I still don’t understand” admitting he furrowed his brows.

“Neither do I, their death is still a mystery to me as much to everyone else” I murmured, lying to him yet again.
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So this story ends around chapter 30. But don't worry, I'll have a sequel up soon.