Status: Slow, but active

Your Love Is My Drug


“Are you excited?” I asked Harry as I sat down next to him for breakfast.

“What for?” he asked chuckling as he continued to eat.

“The third task” I laughed, reminding him what was occurring this weekend.

“Oh yes, I’m so excited to participate” he replied sarcastically causing my smile to get bigger.

“You’re so funny” I assured him as I started eating some fruit.

“So have you decided if you’re transferring? Term ends in a few days” he reminded me.

I nodded, causing him to stop eating and look at me; anticipating my answer.

“I’m going to hate disappointing people who wanted me to stay” I told him, deciding to play a small joke on him before telling him.

“You’re staying at Beauxbatons” he noted.

I smiled; “I’m going to hate disappointing my roommates who wanted me to stay in France with them, I’m transferring to Hogwarts” I corrected him, my grin resembling a chesire cats.

He grinned, “You’re transferring to Hogwarts then. Have you told Hermione and Ron, or the twins?” he asked.

“Told us what?” George asked sitting across from us.

“That I my dear just happen to be transferring to Hogwarts next term” I told him, George showing a smile.

“Which means you’ll be in our classes then?” he asked, I could tell he was planning pranks in his mind already.

Nodding he chuckled; “This is great, I have to go tell Fred. Oh and Charlie is looking for you” he informed me as he walked away quickly.

“Why is Charlie looking for you?” Harry asked confused.

I shrugged my shoulders; I had ended things with Charlie a few weeks after the second task. Having to deal with two guys was getting too tiring and complicated.

“I don’t know, I’ll go see what he wants. I’ll see you later?” I asked Harry as I stood up.

He nodded; “I want to talk to you later anyways”.

I found Charlie waiting for me out in Transfiguration courtyard by himself; he smiled once he saw me. “You haven’t been replying to my letters” he accused.

“I told you it would be best to end things” I reminded him, no emotions on my face.

“So that’s it, after I kept insisting that it was wrong and you finally got me to change my mind you end things?” he asked, somewhat angry.

“You kept telling yourself that so you wouldn’t fall for me” pointing out a small detail I had realized.

“I kept insisting that it was wrong because I’m eight years older than you” he hissed.

“Then you should be happy that I ended things” I refuted sighing. “Look I wanted to end this on friendly terms.”

He nodded; “Sorry for getting upset right now, and don’t worry. I’ll leave you alone if that’s what you want” he assured me.

I nodded; “Thank you, really” smiling I pecked his cheek.

“I’ll see you Saturday then? Bill and I are coming to watch the third task with mum” he admitted.

“We’ll save you a seat” I promised as I walked away from him, feeling free from having to think about Charlie anytime soon.

“So what were you and Charlie talking about?” Harry asked as I met him in the common room.

“He needed my opinion on a french matter, he wanted to get this girl a present from a store in Paris but had no clue how to find the store” I lied smoothly.

“And he came all the way to Hogwarts to ask you that?” he asked incredulously.

I shook my head smiling, “No, he had to finish a few things with Dumbledore” I added.

Harry nodded; “So can we talk? It’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about recently”.

“Sure” I murmured taking a seat on the couch, while he took his seat next to me.

He was about to start talking when Seamus walked up to me, looking frantic.

“What?” I asked him worried.

“It’s Leah, she locked herself up in her room after I told her it would be best to end things now” he admitted softly.

I glared at him for a second, “Thanks” I hissed getting up and heading towards our dorm room.

Leah was more important to me than whatever Harry needed to tell me, she had been there for me for multiple occasions and I wasn’t going to leave her on her own at this point in her life. She had learned to love Seamus and he had just gone and broken her heart.

“Come here” I murmured as I saw Leah sobbing her heart out, it killed me to see her like this. She didn’t open her heart to guys as easily as she had with Seamus.
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Two chapters left :) Sequel will be up soon