Status: Slow, but active

Your Love Is My Drug

Im staying up all night hoping

The game had been amazing; there weren’t words to describe the excitement we all felt during the match.

It was my first big quidditch match that I had ever been to and it was thrilling.

I put my hair up in a pony tail as we entered the tent all hyped up from the game’s excitement.

“So how’d you like the game?” Harry asked walking up to me as I lay on the hammock.

I nodded; “It was fun, interesting but fun” I admitted.

He chuckled; “Not into quidditch?” he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, “Not that bad, it’s not my favorite sport but there’s nothing wrong with it” I murmured.

Harry just sent me an amused look, sending me a smile before walking off to help the twins bug Ron.

I looked over at Hermione and Ginny who were just talking, I would enjoy spending time with them but I found it that Ginny had a knack for simply talking about Harry; as in an obsession and Hermione just always stayed polite.

I missed my friends during the summer most of the time, but in a few days I was leaving for France which made it better.

After a while Mr. Weasley rushed into the tent urging us to leave the tent quickly and to get back to the portkey.

“Soph take my hand” George said quickly, and I did as I was told while Fred took hold of Ginny’s arm quickly.

The twins leading us towards the woods quickly.

On our rush towards the woods you could hear other wizards screaming in agony and terror, tents going up in flames as hundreds and hundreds of other wizards ran for safety.

The twins ran with Ginny and I not bothering to stop for anything not until we reached the
portkey and got back to the burrow.

“Are you ok?” Fred asked as we made it into the woods, I nodded hugging him for security.

“Where are the rest of them?” I asked looking around, just then realizing the rest of them
hadn’t come back with us.

“Dad’s probably with them” Fred murmured.

I nodded as we entered their home, Mrs. Weasley attacking us with a bone breaking hug.

“Thank god you two are ok, I would have never lived with myself if those were the last words I said to you two” she said to the twins.

“Where are the rest?” she asked looking around.

“With dad” George answered.

She just simply hugged us even more, “sit down, I’ll get some food out for you four” she told us s we sat down at the kitchen table.

Ginny looked horrible, frightened and confused at the same time. She sighed standing up and going upstairs; probably to sleep.

“I need some air” I murmured getting up and heading outside quickly.

The thought of the death eaters, and how they had been attacking people just a few hours ago was frightening.

“Sophie, come in. The foods ready” Mrs. Weasley noted as she stuck her head out the door.

I looked around before walking inside and sitting down next to George.

After we finished eating, Charlie and Bill arrived.

“The others?” Fred asked.

“With dad, the dark mark got put up” Charlie muttered sitting across from us.

We all stopped what we were doing, “Are they ok?” I asked now even more worried about Hermione.

I knew that the mark was only put up when there was a death, “Who died?” I asked quickly.

“No one, luckily. Who ever put the mark up wanted the ministry to know that Death eaters are out again” Bill murmured as he answered my question.

We breathed out in relief; I drank the rest of my water to calm myself.

“I’m going to bed” I noted as I stood taking my plate and putting it in the sink.

“I already put your stuff in Ginny’s room” Mrs. Weasley murmured.

“Thank you” I smiled.
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