Status: Slow, but active

Your Love Is My Drug

I don't care what people say

Leah shivered next to me; “I hate fucking England” she hissed.

I laughed wrapping my arm around her; “Look you can see the castle from here, we’ll be there in no time” I reminded her.

Arriving in France for school had been fun, even better when Madame Maxime informed us
about the upcoming trip to England for the Triwizard Cup.

Leah and I had the best time in France, taking advantage of leaving for the school year.

The only down fall had been us being informed that we had to wait a month till our departure in the school carriage.

“I don’t see why we had to wear our uniforms” she hissed back at me.

I smirked; “Look at this way, we get to be the hot new students at the castle for the year” I murmured.

She smirked; “And that is why I went to Beuxbatons” she assured herself.

I laughed; “We’ve been taught to be higher than others, its Beuxbatons Academy” I grinned.

She laughed; “oui” she agreed.

I smiled once we felt the carriage no longer in the air but on solid ground.

I grabbed the hat next to me, “Ready?” I asked grinning.

The two students with the highest marks of each year got exit the carriage first alongside our headmistress.

“Come on Leah” I said excitedly.

We checked each other’s hair and makeup before we exited the carriage and followed Madame Maxime.

We entered the giant hall doing the dance that we had practiced back in France for the longest time.

Leah grinned even bigger when we noticed that the guys were watching us with their mouths open.

I laughed as we finished our part and went off to the side with the rest of our year.

I looked for the Gryffindor table and smiled once I saw Hermione who was smiling at me.

I waved at her before putting my attention on our headmistress.

“Is that Hermione?” Leah asked quietly as we waited for Fleur and her sister to finish.

I nodded still watching Fleur, “She’s pretty” Leah admitted.

“Just forget about them, we all know it was you who was supposed to be up there” she pointed out.

I sighed; “She’s of age, she gets to be up there” I reminded her.

Leah nodded, “Just remember that we all know you deserve to be up there” she told me.

She turned to look at Hermione and nearly died when she started bouncing up and down , enough to startle me but not enough to startle people around us.

“Get a hold of yourself, what?” I asked her as I pulled her down.

“Your cousin is talking to Harry Potter” she hissed excitedly.

I sighed; “Calm down, they’re like best friends” I informed her.

“You know him?” she asked.

“A bit, I saw him during the summer for a week before returning to France” I admitted as we were escorted towards the Ravenclaw table.

“You have to introduce us” she warned me as we walked.

I laughed shaking my head; “I’d rather not, I know how you get” I warned her.

“You wouldn’t happen to have a little crush on him would you?” she asked curiously.

I shook my head; “No, I don’t. But we all know how you get with popular boys” I warned her again.

She groaned glaring at me for a few minutes before deciding I was right and gave up, my assigned seat at the Ravenclaw table happened to be right next to Hermione’s.

I smirked as I quickly sat next to her instead of next to Leah at the Ravenclaw table.

Leah sent me a look before sitting down and just shaking her head.

I smiled at her before facing Ron and Harry.

“Nice uhm performance” Hermione murmured smiling.

I laughed; “Thanks, it took us forever to remember it” I admitted.

“So why didn’t you tell me you were part of the students coming?” she asked excitedly.

I shrugged my shoulders; “I wanted to surprise you” I told her.

She laughed as she served herself food.

“So how are you?” I asked Ron and Harry.

Ron started choking on the food he was inhaling, “Don’t worry Ron, take your time eating” I told him quickly.

He nodded his facing going a bit red before he continued eating