Status: Slow, but active

Your Love Is My Drug

So I got a question

“Where will you be sleeping?” Hermione asked as we continued with the feast after Dumbledore presented the Goblet of fire.

“Fourth and Fifth years are staying in the castle, I don’t know where yet, and the sixth and seventh years get to stay in the carriage” I answered softly.

“Do you know anyone that’s entering?” Harry asked me curiously.

I nodded; “Fleur” I muttered with distaste.

“You don’t like her?” Harry asked confused.

I shrugged my shoulders; “We don’t get along” I admitted.

Harry didn’t push further as I started talking with Hermione, “So what do you guys do around here for fun?” I asked to no one in particular.

“Well on the weekends we can hang around the castle, and then there are the Hogsmead trips” Harry pointed out as Ron kept eating.

I nodded; “So what guys have crazy jealous girlfriends so that I can stay away from them?” I asked grinning.

“What is it with you and boys?” Hermione asked amused.

“What? I like guys” I defended myself.

Harry chuckled, causing me to slightly blush. In result Hermione sniggered sending me a look.

“So what about classes? Will you be learning with us?” Hermione asked another question.

“Since fourth and fifth years are staying in the castle we got study with you this year” I admitted excitedly.

“Do I have to keep a watch over you?” Hermione asked worriedly.

I laughed, “Maybe, there’s new guys for us Beauxbatons girls for this year” I grinned.

“Are all of you like this?” Ron asked amused.

“Don’t get any funny ideas, just because the French have been stereotyped to be whores don’t mean we are.” I warned him.

“Calm down” He muttered.

Hermione laughed as I looked over the hall to the other tables, “Looking for fresh meat?” she inquired.

Grinning I nodded as I kept looking around till I saw Cedric who was smiling over at me, I smiled winking at him before turning to Hermione.

“What’s the curfew?” I asked quickly.

“Eight at night” she answered as she opened a book.

“Is it easy to get caught out of curfew?” I asked Harry.

“Sometimes, depends what part of the castle you’re at” he admitted.

Madame Maxime stood up and walked towards the side of the great Hall where all the Beauxbatons where.

“Sophia, Leah, Marie, Audrey, and Bridgette will be sleeping in the Gryffindor tower. Catherine, Charlotte, Diane, Helen and Nicole will be in the Ravenclaw Tower. Now you gentlemen will be divided into two groups. Antoine, Charles, Claude and Daniel will be in the Slytherin dungeons while the rest of you in the Hufflepuff” Madame Maxime instructed us.

She nodded at us before going back up to the table with the professors.

“So I guess you’ll be in our tower for the year” Hermione grinned.

“I guess so” I admitted my mind going in a different direction.
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Sorry it's so short! Comments help me make them longer though.....