Status: Slow, but active

Your Love Is My Drug

I'm looking down every alley

“What was that about with Harry?” Hermione asked as we did our homework together in the library.

“Yesterday at the lake?” I asked not looking up from my potions essay.

“Yes” she murmured as she wrote hers.

“It was a favor” I answered softly as I wrote my last few words before closing up my books and sending them back.

“A favor?” she asked skeptically.

“A favor” I repeated before putting all my stuff in bag.

“Have fun with Krum” I smirked before walking out of the library to let her have her time with Krum. If Ron found out about Krum having a thing with Hermione he would throw a fit.

I laughed at my own thought as I headed to where the twins probably were but after half an hour with no luck I headed towards the common room and laughed as I saw Leah snogging Seamus.

“Get a room” I yelled at them as I threw a cushion at them.

Leah glared at me; “I don’t interrupt you and Cedric” she pointed out.

“That’s because I go to his common room” I reminded her as the both of them went
upstairs to Seamus’s dorm.

“What was that about?” Harry asked from the arm chair causing me to realize that he was there.

I sniggered, “Just annoying her after she ditched me when Cedric was coming towards me yesterday at the lake” I told him.

He laughed; “So are you going tomorrow to the task?” he asked quietly.

“You’re scared aren’t you?” I asked him softly.

He looked over at me; “It’s hard not to” he admitted.

I smiled; “You’ll do great” I assured him.

“How’s Fleur been practicing?” he asked curiously.

I rolled my eyes, “She’s been asking me to help her” I muttered in dislike.

“How come you don’t get along?” he asked.

Laughing I shook my head; “Let’s just say that I’m a bit more advanced in magic than she is” I put it in simple ways.

“She’s a seventh year though” he pointed out.

“At Beauxbatons we’re taught to hold our pride highly, you could say she’s never been happy that I’ve outshined her in every scholastic way” I murmured.

“So it’s a type of rivalry between you two?” he asked making sure.

I nodded; “exactly, but don’t worry. She wimps out easily, she might know how to do
advanced magic but she doesn’t have the guts” I admitted.

He nodded; he was still clearly afraid for tomorrow.

“Harry. You’ll do fine, we have faith in you” I told him softly.

“Thanks” he murmured smiling.

“So do you miss Ron?” I asked smiling back at him.

He scoffed; “Who would miss that git?” he asked.

I laughed; “You miss him” I stated.

“No” he muttered.

“He’s your best friend. You two need to make up sooner or later” I reminded him.

“How about later?” he asked.

I shook my head; “I think the whole challenge for tomorrow is getting you stressed out” I admitted.

Harry just shook his head; “I would have never guessed” he said sarcastically.

Sending him a playful glare I stood up and walked over to him so that I was standing in front of him; “Let’s go walk around, you need some fun time” I told him.

“Come on” He agreed standing up and pulling me out of the common room.
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