Status: Slow, but active

Your Love Is My Drug

I'm all strung up

“Will you stop trying to make money off Harry?” I exclaimed at George and Fred who were
getting people to bet if he would make it.

The stopped for a second smirking at me before going back to placing bets.

“Not our fault you have a crush on him” they pointed out.

“I do not” I denied their accusations.

They scoffed; “Then why the bloody hell are you so nervous?” they questioned.

I glared at them; “Because I don’t want him to die” I reminded them.

“He’s Harry Potter, I doubt a dragon will be the one killing him” Fred pointed out.

I sighed as I saw Hermione walk up to us,

“How is he?” I asked her.

“Nervous” she admitted.

“And don’t think we haven’t heard about your little snogging session, Neville has a big mouth” George reminded me.

“It was a good reason” I told them as the cannon was shot, telling us that the first task was starting.

During the task for the other champions I wasn’t as worried, but when the final shot was heard Hermione and I both held on to each other as Ron just showed fear on his face.

“Will you make up with Harry after this?” I asked Ron.

Ron simply nodded as Hermione shouted at Harry to use his wand.

I kept clinging on Hermione for some type of reassurance that Harry would be alright.

“Where did he go?” I asked noticing it had gone quiet and there wasn’t a dragon in the arena anymore.

“Oh my god, is he dead?” I asked worriedly.

Hermione shook her head; “Not yet” she muttered.

“He got on a broom and headed towards the mountains” Ron assured me, trying to calm me down.

I nodded; in the distant we heard a crash causing me to squeeze Hermione’s shoulder harder.

She flinched under my grip causing me to let go, “I’m worried too, but you’re going to pull my arm off” she murmured.

“Sorry” I whispered.

Once the task was over Hermione and I headed towards the infirmary tent where Harry was being treated by Madam Pomfrey.

Hermione tackled him into a hug before getting off him and letting me have a turn at hugging him.

“Are you ok?” I asked him.

He nodded; “I got the egg didn’t I?” he asked smirking.

I laughed as Hermione helped him stand up, “George and Fred said they were throwing a party in the common room in your name. Come on” I announced.

Hermione shook her head; knowing this was against the rules.

“Hermione loosen up, Harry didn’t get killed” Ron pointed out.

I rolled my eyes; “Such great words” I muttered.

Harry laughed; “Ron has a point, at one point during the task I thought I was done for” he admitted.

Ron and Hermione walked a bit faster to get into the common room quicker.

“See, I told you that you would be fine” I reminded him.

He chuckled, “You had a point” he admitted.

I nodded as someone ran up to us.

“Sophie” Cedric murmured as he reached my side causing all three of us to stop.

“Yes?” I asked amused.

“How about you attend a party in my common room with me?” he asked.

I smiled nodding; “Harry I’ll see you at the party later?” I asked him.

Harry nodded, sending me a weak smile before walking off in attempt to catch up with Ron and Hermione.

“So we haven’t spent time for a while” he pointed out as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I laughed; “Well I’ve been busy” I reminded him.

Cedric chuckled pressing his lips against mine, not wasting time before having our tongues involved.

I gently pushed him away, “I don’t have much time” I reminded him.

He nodded as he continued to kiss me as we headed towards an empty classroom.

I really didn’t want to go to his common room; if I did he would probably get ideas about us being serious.

After a while I kissed him a final time before pushing away, “I really do have to get to my common room” I pointed out.

He groaned, pecking my lips before placing a kiss on my neck. “You can’t stay longer?” he asked.

I gave him a look, “I’ll see you later” I muttered before walking out of the classroom and towards the Gryffindor party.
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