
Chapter 1.

Chapter 1.

“I’m sorry you see it that way,” I said into my phone in a hushed tone. The busy café wasn’t the best place for one of these conversations but if your sitting and eating already like I was, it’s hard to escape it. The person on the other line, upset with the fact I had said that, and that I wasn’t seeing things as they were, hung up on me. I lowered my phone from my right ear, and hit the off button. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to talk to anyone; I just didn’t want to deal with another one of those conversations right now. I finished my cup of coffee in its chipped cup. I shoved my way to the counter to pay. I handed the cashier, a girl with a smirk and phony blonde hair, my check.

“Eleven ninety-five,” she read off the check. Her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. The pitch was high and the tone was scratchy. I handed her the credit card in my hand, and she ran it. She handed back to me, along with a slip for me to sign. I took the pen on the counter and lazily scribbled my name. I pushed it at her and wondered out of the café. I made my way down the crowded street to the studio. I’m a musician, in a band actually. We’re not famous...yet. I walked into the building and started to walk up the stairs. The elevator in the building was broken. I trudged up the stairs until I finally got to the fourth floor. I opened studio 2C and walked in.

“It’s about time you showed up Ruby,” Pete Wentz, the eccentric clothing industry owning, eyeliner wearing, bass playing, prep dating, Mr. Crazy himself, mentioned, looking up from his laptop. I smirked and chuckled.

“I was hungry,” I said shortly, closing the door behind me. Riley, my best friend, and another member of the band popped out from behind Pete, but I didn’t freak out. She muttered a curse under her breath and walked away.

“You don’t scare me woman!” I called after her. She flipped me the bird. Pete chuckled, but stopped when I gave him my death glare. Great, even my boss fears me. I can use this to my advantage later on. Another friend of mine and another band member, Luke walked over to me.

“Hey Ruby, can you help me tune my guitar? Riley is being mean to me again,” Luke pouted. I held out my hand and he handed it to me. I plucked a couple notes and tightened the E string. I handed it back to him.

“There, now go. Be all ‘AHH’ over there,” I said, patting his head. He nodded and sat down on the couch between Brian and Dylan. They were talking about recording and Riley sat on the ground and joined the conversation. I smiled at the sight before me. If you had looked at the five of us even two years ago, you’d never guess we’d be so close now. You wouldn’t even guess I would be associated with them, but that is something I don’t want to ever talk about. I made some stupid choices but that’s all in the past.

“And I’d like you all to meet your recording advisors, The Academy Is...!” Pete said happily. Five boys popped out of the actual studio and everyone but me cringed. One of the guitarists, Mike Carden, looked at me and frowned.

“Didn’t we scare you?” he asked, disappointed. I shook my head.

“Not at all,” I sighed. “I’m fearless for the most part,” I shrugged. He shook his head.

“That isn’t cool!” he exclaimed, hitting Pete’s stomach. Pete chuckled and rubbed the spot where Mike had hit him. I rolled my eyes.

“So, do you guys and your fearless leader have name?” William Beckett, the lead singer, questioned. I smirked at him.

“I’m Ruby,” I said, waving.

“Dylan,” Dylan sighed.

“Luke,” Luke mumbled.

“Brian,” Brian said.

“Riley,” Riley squealed. She LOVES Michael Guy Chislett. She is so obsessed due to the Aussie accent, and his amazing guitar skills. She smiled at him and he smiled back. Oh god, he has no what he just got himself into.

I smiled at the boys in front of me, and nodded as they spoke about recording. I was beyond ready for this, and I hope I don't have to wait much longer. I got a smile from Mike Carden, and he walked over to me.

“So, you ready for this?” he asked. I smirked at him.

“I was born ready Mike,” I scoffed. He smirked back at me.

“So, do you play an instrument in the band?” he asked in a nonchalant way. I shook my head.

“I play guitar but not in the band. I write the music and I sing,” I said. “I’m not allowed to play guitar anymore, after I made my fingers bleed,” I told him. He looked at me.

“So that is possible,” he laughed. I nodded and showed him my scared fingertips. He sucked air between his teeth and shuddered. So, maybe the ‘famous’ aren’t so bad.