
Chapter 5.

After two months, Gabe and Victoria gave up on figuring out what I was hiding, if anything at all. So did Alex (Cobra’s bassist), Ryland (Cobra’s guitarist), and Nate (Cobra’s drummer) and I was glad. I hate lying to people. I wish I had never met Gerard and Frank. They got me into so much trouble and it’s impossible to escape, for me anyway. They got out of it, and I’m the one that gets jitters, have to wear long sleeves, makeup and get though 3 am phone calls.

“Hey Ruby, since you and Mike are so crazy close, would you mind being the ones in the room with one bed?” Pete asked. That’s one thing I hat about touring. When there’s an off day between shows in one show, we stay in a hotel. I nodded. Pete gave me a thumb up and went back to talking to the girl behind the counter. Mike put his arm around my shoulder and gave me one of his infectious smiles. I smiled back at him and gave him a hug. I would trust Mike with my life nowadays, so I’m considering telling him.

“Hey Ruby,” Mike said.

“What?” I asked, as he pulled away. He picked me up. I started to laugh. Mike always did that. He always had his ways of making me laugh, which a hard thing to do. I don’t find a lot of things funny, but Mike always thought of something.. He moved the arm behind my back, leaving me hanging by my legs. I extended my hands and straightened my legs. I walked on my hands over to Gabe. I stood on my feet and smiled at Gabe. He shook his head.

“You two are so freakin’ weird,” he sighed, grabbing his suitcase and making his way to the elevator.

“We are not,” Mike huffed from behind me. I turned to face him. In his left hand, was his bag, and in his right, was mine.

“Mike, give me my stuff,” I said, holding my hand out. Mike shook his head.

“What kind of a gentleman would I be if I let you carry this?” he questioned, holding the bag up. I snorted.

“Since when are you a gentleman?” I asked skeptically. He stuck his tongue out at me. We walked into the elevator and he hit the 4 button.

“Do you know where we are?” I asked, “Because it looks strangely familiar,” I mumbled. Mike chewed his lip for a second.

“I think the name of the town is Woodbury. I know we’re in New York,” he said. He gave me a sideways glance. “You know it?” he asked. I nodded sadly.

“We grew up here,” I sighed. “And we all moved to the city to get away from here, me especially. I made some stupid mistakes,” I whispered. Mike nodded. We walked out of the elevator and Mike handed me the key. We found the room and I opened the door. I walked in and sat on the bed. Mike dropped the stuff and locked the door. That’s when it happened.