
Chapter 8.

When I finally left the stairs, I when to Mike’s room. I knocked on the door. He opened it, looked at me and went to close the door.

“Mike, wait!” I exclaimed hurriedly, wedging my foot between the door and the wall. He sighed and slowly reopened the door. He looked at me with sad eyes.

“Can we talk for just a minute?” I questioned. I smiled at him weakly. “If you want to know the truth, at least know the whole truth,” I added, when he seemed like he would say no. He stepped aside and let me in. I walked inside the hotel room. I sat on a chair in front of the desk. Mike followed me and sat on the edge of the bed.

“So, why’d you do drugs? Or better yet, why did you lie to me?” Mike asked.

“Let me talk, before you ask questions,” I sighed. “Now, I did drugs. Did being the key word. It was like two years ago. It wasn’t even my choice. The only people who would ever talk to be were the two drugies across the street, and I used to refuse drugs, but they somehow go them into my system. It all snowballed from there. They got out of it. I didn’t. But senior year, I got out of it when Riley and Dylan asked me to join their band. I was really good friends with them before high school, so I sobered up and focused on the band 100%. But there’s always the drug dealer or someone else calling me, trying to drag me back in. I almost did too. That’s when I met you. You make me feel like I did without doing the drugs. I never wanted to lie to you Mike, but would you tell me that you did drugs?” I questioned, staring at him intently. He shook his head, looking at his feet.

“Exactly, so you can’t be that angry for me lying to you. But tonight, I came to a realization,” I said, looking at him. He looked up at me.

“And what would that be?” he asked, his mouth quirking. I shook my head and went to go to the door. Mike followed me. He grabbed my wrist. I spun on my heel and looked up at him. That’s when I took a giant leap of faith. I kissed Mike.