My Homes' With You

1 ~ The Unseen Thorn

The Saints Village was a wonderful place, no crime, no hate and no trouble. Saints was a place where even the ex-murderers went. They said it was filled with so much loved, that even thier killing nature was turned good. Saints was a place where anyone would die for, give up the thrown for, leave thier family for but that all changed when he got loose....

Thierry Blackhorn, the quiet little boy with black hair and translucent grey eyes, no-one would suspect an 11 year old, would they?

Yes an 11 year old, the worse thing is, that's how old he was when they finally caught him. No-one knows why he started or WHEN he started, all they know is that he was a Saint, a Saint for the DEVIL.

Imagine an ordinary day, you go to school or work and you come back home expecting news on how great everything is, but instead you get told about the people that go "missing" and who have "left". Then outsiders come to town and talk about "the Unseen Thorn".

The Unseen Thorn is not just a serial killer, he is THE ULTIMATE serial killer, being caught at the age 11 and no-one knowing when he started. And the smallest kill he would ever do was four people at a time. Who wouldn't be scared of this 11 year old boy?

Not only were they scared of him, he became the symbol of sins, the unnamed one and the scariest story for children. But most of all, saying his name or mentioning his work scared the adults, because they knew that he was still alive and out there, waiting to get back into action....

Once Thierry was found at age 11, he was taken away by his family, who dragged him into the woods where they were last seen, to never be seen again. When they left, he became nothing but proof that peace is needed and he became the bogey man to the younger generations. He was only spoken off to scare the kids, unlike most stories, instead of hearing the story and going "whatever" the children would looks out of their windows and pray that he wouldn't go for them, they would pray that he wouldn't kill them, because they knew that he was still alive and stronger than before.

This went on for many years and the Blackhorns had lived uninterrupted, that was until the riots began....
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Ok just to let everyone know i was told by a school teacher to do creative writting to keep my imagination going. He told me about online sites and such and to upload stories to get CONSTRUCTIVE criticism from viewers. However he told me to be orignal (well as original s possible) and not cheesy.

So if any part of my story is EXTREMELY cheesy then please tell me!
