My Homes' With You

3 ~ Help Me...I'm Scared

As soon as she was outside her house, instead of knocking on the door, she started to beat it, while tears ran down her face. She was scared. If a normal girl had banged on the door then they would have knocked it down, but Sky being as fragile as a feather couldn’t. No one has ever understood how she can be so fragile yet look as strong as all the other girls.

“Mother! Father! Please open up! Please!” she begged and continued to bang the door. After a couple of minutes passed. She was out of breath and the door opened, revealing her oldest brother Daniel. Before she could even get her breath back or say a word, her brother gabbed, shoved and dragged her into the forest, where she found the rest of her family waiting. As she came closer and closer to her family she felt relief take over her body, but something wasn’t right.

“Mother…” the lady didn’t even bother indicating that she had heard her daughter, instead she started running with her husband who was followed by her three sons. “Mother?” Sky felt tears in her eyes, why aren’t they talking to me?

The fourth and youngest son of the family, Sky’s older brother by one year, took her hand in his and pulled her along while he ran, making Sky sprint. Her bother Charlie had always been protective of his little sister, tears fell down her face as she remembered all the times he had saved her from drowning, being hit by other children and beating up all the people who said bad things about her. Her was like her guardian angel, and when she was with him she was safe, they were all safe. She had no idea how wrong a person could be.

For three ours they ran, only having 5 minute breaks every 30 minutes or so, trying their best to get as far away as possible. With no food, no water and no talking, the Begland family were beginning to break down in tears and depression, remembering everything they were leaving behind and everything that is lost forever. Throughout the whole three hours Charlie hadn’t let go of his sister’s hand, too scared of loosing her like so much he had lost already, if anything his grip had tightened.

As much as it made her feel safe, she wished he wouldn’t hold that hard since she was beginning to loose feeling. She knew she shouldn’t think about everything she left behind, the friends, the people, the night sky, everything she loved and knew was now gone.

“Come on! We’re nearly there!” her father shouted from up ahead where he was helping his pregnant wife; who was pregnant once again, you’d think 5 children was enough.

“It’s not far Sky, keep up!” Charlie was always trying to make her smile, she knew it was because the rest of her family hardly ever talked to her, not because they chose to, but because they were always too busy with work.

“I’ll be okay if you let go of my hand a little bit.” Sky said to her brother while giving him a little family punch which probably felt like the wind blowing because she was so fragile and he was so muscular from the work he did. Charlie blushed and his blue eyes changed from sad to happy.

“I wouldn’t have to hold your hand if you weren’t so slow.”
“You wouldn’t have to hold my hand if you weren’t such a monster that got in my way, an ugly monster might I add.”
“Aww, looks like lil Charlie is getting told off by our little baby Sky.” Said the 2nd oldest son, John who smirked.
Everyone laughed while Charlie had an amused look on his face, then he spoke.
“Looks like old fat John remember how to talk! Well don we were getting worried especially with someone who has a brain your size,”

Yet again everyone laughed, then a loud thud was heard, along with another and another. The thuds getting faster and faster and closer together. After what seemed like forever of looking at each other, staring, confusion and holding breast, a sea of grey was running towards the family. The only sounds in the sir was the sound of hungry howls. It was a pack of wolves.

Not willing to take a chance, the Begland family started to get into a group and run as fast as they could. But not all things go according to plan, Sky had been separated from her family by 3 of the 15 wolves.

Screaming, shouting, kicking and punching was all anybody could hear and see. Sky’s family were still in a group and being pushed east, but Sky had started to move back to her family when the wolves surrounding her, bit her legs and clothes and dragged her west, the opposite direction.

“Sky!” Charlie shouted while kicking a wolf in the head. “Sky!” his voice getting weaker, quieter and further away. “Sky!” sounds barely above a normal talking tone.

“CHARLIE!” tears running down her face, her blood dripping everywhere.
“DANIEL!” wolves biting her arms to keep her on the floor, the sound of clothes ripping.
“JOHN!” rocks, sticks, fists and legs swinging everywhere in an attempt to break free from the wild animals.
“STUART!” her eyes no longer holding happiness, not even sadness, only pure fear. Her hazel eyes going pale, along with her face.
“MOTHER!” the only colour o her cheeks is her own blood, the only thing she can see is the ground beneath her move as she’s dragged further and further away from her loved ones.
“FATHER!” her voice getting weaker, slowly leaving her, she could feel unconsciousness rapidly taking over her body.
“Help me anyone……I’m scared” the only voice she could master was not even loud enough to be one of the quietest whispers.

As her eyes began to close the last thing she saw was a grey wolf. The last thing she felt was a wolf growl in her face, spitting a mixture or saliva and blood at her. The last few sounds she heard were the footsteps of wolves running, a wolf yelp in pain and a male voice….”SHIT!!!”

Then everything went black.