My Homes' With You

4 ~ The Unconscious Girl

"SHIT” a man around 40 with greying black hair commented rather loudly when he missed his target: a deer. “Oh fuck, missed the deer. Now your mum’s going to have my head.”

A young boy around 19 came slowly out of the shadows with two deer over his shoulders and a hare in one hand. He looked in the direction his father was looking. His translucent grey eyes narrowing and his black hair falling slowly over his eyes.
“I think you got something” His voice was emotionless and quiet but no coldness could be detected. He sounded as if he wasn’t expecting anyone to hear him.
“I hope so Thierry, if not, then don’t blame me is I’m not alive tomorrow, blame your mum.” A smile appeared on both of their faces as they continued walking in the direction the arrow went.
The old man rubbed the back of his neck while looking at his son. He’s been through so much, how can I explain this to him? I suppose bold and straight to the point would be best, here I go. “Thierry we need to talk, man-to-man and honest.”

His son didn’t even reply, he merely nodded his head a little in recognition.
“We need to talk about your problem…”

“I don’t have a problem”

“Thierry, you’re the Unseen Thorn for god’s sake!”

“So? I’ve gotten better, I no longer harm you, Jade or mother any more and I haven’t harmed anyone from the village for 6 months.”

“But you still kill more animals than we could ever eat or need the skins for. You use to kill 4 people and 4 animals. Now it’s no people and 8 animals. You’re killing the same amount just more animals! You’re using your habit on the animals”

“It’s not a habit, it’s natural.”

“There’s nothing natural about being a serial killer” Thierry did not look amuse, if anything, anger was building up behind his eyes and his father could tell.
Knowing that he should change the topic before something bad happens to him; the old man asked a question. “I’m going to ask you something and I want you to answer honestly okay? What do you want?”

Thierry looked at the ground while walking, his mouth opened and it looked like he mumbled something, but no sound made it to hi father’s ears. “What was that?”

“I want a home.”

Both of the men stopped walking but only one of them had what most people would call a “natural” reaction. Thierry stood still and dropped everything he was holding as if he tired and looked at the messy pile in front of him as if it smelled bad, which it did. His father however quickly dropped everything he was holding and ran over to the pile.
“Shit son, it’s a girl and she’s in bad shape. Pick your stuff up now we’re leaving. Hurry!” the old man picked up the girl’s body and started running as fast as he could with his son close behind him.

They ran for half and hour at full speed, no stops and never slowing down. Out of breath and finally reaching a medium sized hut, it looked like all the other huts that were in the village. But in the village, the people didn’t like underground.
“Thierry, quickly go to the sheds and skin the deer for blankets we’ll need them. As soon as your done come back inside.” Thierry nodded to his father and jogged to the shed which was 3 yards from the hut.

The ageing man rushed into the hut screaming names, shouting orders, swearing and swinging the unconscious girl in his around the room in an attempt to help, but failing.

“Richard! What the hell do you think you’re doing! Jade and I are cleaning the clothes! Shut up!” came a loud voice from an ageing lady in her late 30’s with greying red hair and green eyes. She was small but was getting a bit large around the middle, obviously from having two kids. A young girl who looked around 15 years old with black hair and green eyes, standing next to her. She was short but had a normal built body for a girl her age, from all the work she does giving her arms muscles.

“Abbey, Thierry and I found this girl, quickly help her!” he dropped the girls body in front of the fireplace and allowed his wife to start tidying her up. He turned to the young girl. “Jade go get some more water.” The young girl nodded and quickly ran off with a bowl, quickly returning with a full one.
“Jade, go get some blankets” Jade who was trying to see what the girl looked like, left with a disappointed look on her face.

With water dripping down her face and still unconscious, SKy slowly became blue; she was getting seriously ill and could die if nothing happened.

"She's going to be out for a while, we're going to have to look after her" the woman said, her face pale and sad expression in her eyes.

"Anna, you know she can't stay, no-one is suppose to know where we live. People knowing we're still aliveis bad enough, if she finds out who we are, she may become suicidle, that's how scared of us everyone is." Richard replied while wiping his hair out of his eyes.

"If she doesn't stay then she may die! She's staying Richard. If you get rid of her then go get a deer...without Thierry's help." Admitting defeat and knowing catching a hare is hard enough for him yet alone a deer, he walked to the other sid eof the room and started lying blankets down for a new bed place.

Anna stood up and watched her son and husband pick up the girl carefully and place her in the new bed place, she tidied her hair a little bit then she sighed. "We're going to have to lie to her."

"Why do you say that dear?" her husband said to her, looking at her as if she was crazy. "You wanted her to stay and now you're saying we should lie to her? What's to lie about we're just a normal family" sarcarsm pouring out of his mouth. Earning him a glare from his wife.

"I never said anything about being truthful and i dare you to be that sarcastic again."

"No i think i'll be fine" being careful what to say since he knows he's annoyed his wife.

"I just don't want the first person we've met in 8 nearly 9 years to run away as soon as they wake up. It's hard enough living on our own."

"Okay, looks like we need a plan"

"NO!" Jade was red in the face and had a look that could kill. "If she stays she'll freak when she finds out who we are and she end up being a hoot or psychopath"

"Sorry that place is taken" Thierry just never knew when to keep his mouth shut...

"Jade be quiet and Thierry we're being serious stop being stupid"

"She can't stay" Jade was now starting an arugment.

"Jade, i'm warning you..." her father threatened.

"She's going! I don't wan to get hurt!"

"She's pretty" Thierry said quietly but not to quietly.

"She's going!..." Jade paused and her eyes went wide, her head snapped back to her brother and she carried on staring.

"Did you just....compliment....someone?"

All three of them looked at Thierry who was sitting, leaning against the wall staring at the sleeping girl breath in and out. Who also happened to be the first person to have a nice thing said about them, that came from The Unseen Thorn.

Maybe miracles do happen....