My Homes' With You

5 ~ The Plan

It had been 3 days since the Blackthorns’’ had found the girl, they never talked around her, they just watched her sleep. Mr and Mrs Blackthorn just did their chores then sat down and waited for the girl to wake up but she didn’t. Jade was still angry, or shall we say,…more scared that the girl would wake up and hurt her. Thierry however was different, when he was working he was emotionless like normal, but when around the girl he had a twinkle in his eyes. When the family had once lived in the village all of the pretty, by pretty I mean stunning, girls would “fancy” him and follow him round, he would never go near them unless he wanted to kill. Even when he was “wooeing” them his eyes were emotionless.

Anna Blackthorn was the first to break the silence. “It’s been three days and we have no idea what we’re going to tell her. We need a plan” She turned to look at her husband to seemed to have been thinking the exact same thing.

“You’re right but how to tell her is the problem, and what can we tell her to stay instead of run off?”

“I heard screaming the other night, two weeks ago I heard about a riot, do you think that’s why she was running?” Jade was joining in, she still didn’t like the fact the girl was still there, but she didn’t mind as long as the girl was kind….she was hoping she would be kind.

“Ok so we should use that against her, do you have any idea how bad the riots were, or how important they were?” Richard was stroking his beard and holding his wife’s’ hand, desperately trying to think of a way to solve the situation they were in.

The other three shook their heads, knowing about the riots existing or any rumours was hard enough for the family, they were suppose to be myths according to the town folk.

“Fine…umm…well why don’t we tell her we found her in the woods when we were…”

Anna cut in “running from the riots?”
“Yes! We were running from the riots and we lived in that part of town by the coast…oh what was it…Paytonville! Yes Paytonville.”
Anna summarised everything “So we’re a family that came from Paytonville, we were running away from riots…we just happened to have a hut in the woods. Shall we say we were going to move here anyway for…privacy or luxury???”

“It doesn’t matter mother”

“Ok calm down Jade. We were going to come here for privacy and we found her on the way…ok…what’s next.”

Her husband looked confused. “what do you mean what’s next? We have it all sorted out.”

“Father” Thierry’s turn to speak. “I think mother meant, what are our names...”

“To be honest I don’t see what’s wrong with our names-“
“JADE! If you let me finish…” His daughter nodding, respect is a great thing. “I don’t see a problem with keeping our first names…but I think we should change our last name…glass perhaps?”

“So I’m now Mrs Anna Glass?”
“Yes you are”
“Fine so that’s our plan for the story…now for actually doing things…”

Jade showed confusion whereas Thierry kept his emotionless figure. “Jade, we have the story done but even if we have a story we need a plan on how we’re going to act. If we tell her story and act like we have something to hide, she’s going to know something is wrong. Understand?”

“Ok…” Jade was rather slow when it came to planning things. “So we’re going to have to act a bit?”




“I hate acting.”

“You only have to act until we are sure she’s healthy and can leave”

“Oh I can do that…well I suppose I can…”

“Good…now…Richard take over…” Anna was out of ideas and her cheeks were slightly pink, from the frustration of Jade being a typical teenager.

“Well I think you Jade should calm down and act like you don’t care she’s here, ok? If you go yelling your head off then I think it’ll be a bit obvious and well Thierry…”

Jade and her mother looked at the floor, obviously knowing what was coming and not liking it. None of the family members, except Thierry were ok with what he was or did, but they loved him too much to give up on him. He did need help…a lot of help. Mr and Mrs Blackthorn had to depend on Jade if they wanted any grandchildren, who would love Thierry? But another problem is how many men would stay with Jade if they knew who her brother was?

“Thierry, we think you should stay away from her. We all know how much you hate girls that are…stuck up or a get around, just in case she’s one you should stay away, Is that clear?”

“No and I’m not going to do it.”

His mother looked up in shock. “Thierry he’s your father so do what you’re told! You know nothing about this girl, you normally end up killing pretty girls because they annoy you just by being pretty and well…you haven’t a person killed in months, we don’t want you to start again.”

“I can tell this girl is different. I bet I can tell more about her then you can just by looking at her.”

“Thierry we know this girl is different, how many girls do you find in the woods covered in blood and attacked by wolves on your average day!”

“You’re missing the point...I like her…”

“the last time you liked a girl you brought her head back in a box and told us she wouldn’t hold your hand!”

“She was a get around and was only with me because she thought I looked nice! This girl I can tell is different. Have you looked at her, she may look normal but it’s obvious she’s weak because she has no muscles. She’s not like other girls!”

“You’re only acting like this because you haven’t been with a girl since you were 11.” His father getting angry and making fists with both of his hands, not getting ready to fight, but to protect himself from his son.

“And who’s fault was that? I’m not the one that moved the family to the woods!”

“Oh really…who went and killed so many people that they got caught!”

“Not my fault! I’m not that scary!”

“You are such a fucking pain in the arse you stupid son of a bitch! Not only are you disobeying me you’re trying to prove something that’s not true…if it wasn’t for..-“ Mr Blackthorn never got to finish his sentence because when he was half way through his sentence, his son had thrown a punch.

The pair punched, kicked shouted, threw things, the two girls joined in and things got worse. Thierry went crazy, hitting his sister repeatedly because she was breathing, his mother crying from getting hit and seeing her family in such a state and her husband on the floor unconscious.

It seemed like nothing could stop this, that was until Thierry froze on the spot and snapped his head in the direction of the girl, who was breathing slightly lighter and moving…he ran over to her side and pulled her up, putting her head in his chest…she was waking up….