My Homes' With You

6 ~ Where Am I?

Where am I? was the only thought going through Sky’s mind as she felt her head against something soft and warm, not even noticing it was a person’s chest. Her eyes softly and slowly opening.

Why can’t I move without hurting? Wait…MOTHER! Her eyes shot open with the memories of the past event, and her family that she was separated from. She didn’t even notice that she was in a strange place, and that a boy who’s eyes are normally so emotionless was holding her close to him.

“Mother!” she tried getting up but only ended up curling into a ball as the pain took over her body, too much for her to stand. She stayed in the ball crying and whispering to herself, until she felt a hand pat her shoulder, then she realised that she wasn’t alone.

The person patting her shoulder was an old woman with greying red hair and green eyes that had a sad expression in them. Behind her was a girl a few years younger than Sky, must be her daughter, who had green eyes and long black hair, an ageing man with greying black hair and blue eyes. She looked back at the woman and noticed that there was a boy next to her, he was around a year older than herself, he had black hair and grey eyes that looked so empty.

Sky looked back at the woman, and while holding in tears, said in the quietest voice she could master, “where’s my family?”

Anna watched the girl wake up with a shocked look. She woke up then started screaming in pain and sadness. Anna hadn’t expected this, she thought the girl would have looked around then panicked, obviously not.

She went over and patted the girl, watched her look around and take in her surrounding, and then she got another shock when the girl talked again, “Where’s my family?”

Anna would have though you’d be more worried about where you were than where someone else was. “I don’t know dear, are you in any pain?”

The girl didn’t take that too well. Her hazel eyes pouring out tears and her black hair falling around her body like a veil, hiding her from the world. She nodded her head, not trusting her voice.

“Mum, maybe we should talk to her now.” Came a concerned voice, Anna looked behind her and saw a worried Jade. How could you not be worried when you see this girl looking so frightened and helpless? Plus, the girl was scratched up.

“Richard, get her a drink please, I think we have some explaining to do.” Her husband nodded and went to get a drink for the crying girl. She looked at the girl who looked terrified. “Hello dear, I’m Anna, my husband, Richard is getting you a drink. This is my daughter Jade and my son Thierry.”

The girl looked around again and took the names in with the faces. There was an awkward silence, then Thierry broke it by saying the impossible: “don’t be afraid…I won’t well…we won’t harm you.” Mrs Blackthorn looked at her son, tell me my ears deceive me. Jade was shocked but had enough control to comment “Who are you?”

The girl looked at Jade and said “Sky” then she burst into tears as her family came into mind.


30 minutes later and sky had stopped crying and was now leaning against the wall with blankets around her. “Sky” the woman called Anna said, “What happened to you, did you get caught in the riots?”

“No we were running away from”

“from the riot?”
Sky nodded

“Who was with you?”

“My family”

“So that how many? 3 of you?”


“Seven! Wow…big family”
A small smiled appeared on Sky’s face, this woman is kind. The woman’s husband now took over the conversation.

“What’s the last thing you remember? Or what do you remember of the day you had started running?”

“I was looking after Stefan, he’s a little child, I look after children when everyone is working, I’m too weak to help…” The brother smiled and his sister looked shocked.

“What do you mean by too weak?”
Sky blushed, she knew they were just going to laugh at her. I bet she’s going to make an excuse up, there’s a flaw in everyone, Jade thought as she studied the girl.

“I have never been able to do or pick up things like other normal girls. I was just born really weak, so I look after the little kids while everyone is working and I entertain them.” Her cheeks were getting pinker by the second and Richard noticed this, so he carried on with the conversation.

“So what else do you remember?” Sky had a look in her eyes as if to say thank you.

“Well Mr and Mrs Jason told me the riots were coming so I went home. When I got home only one of my family members were there and he dragged me into the woods before I could ask anything. I remember running…I don’t know how long for but I remember running for ages and not stopping. We stopped and were about to try to cheer everyone up when a pack of wolves came…” Tears entering her eyes again, making them glimmer in the light. “My family were pushed one way while I was dragged the opposite way. The last thing I remember is hearing a man’s voice. I don’t know what he was saying but he killed the wolf that had been biting my leg.”

Mr Blackthorn’s eyes were now wide, he now knew that even though he had missed the deer he was aiming at, he had killed a wolf and saved this girl’s life, he was the reason this harmless, kind girl was breathing right in front of him. He felt proud and had a good reason to as well.

“Sky, I know this sounds odd and silly, but do you know where your family are?”

“No, they didn’t tell me where they were going or hiding.”

“Oh” His wife grabbed his hand, encouraging him to continue “Well…would you like to stay with us? My son and I can look around the area and the village to see if we can find something about them.”

“No I can’t stay!”
Typical, Jade thought, she acts all nice when she’s actually a get around.
“…my mother is pregnant and I would be a burden.”

“Nonsense my dear,” Anna said with a smile “we’re more than happy to have you “ her eyes narrowed at Jade, who matched the look, “So you’re the oldest?”


“Youngest? How old are you?”

“17 years old ma’am”

“So you’re passed the stories age then?”

“What do you mean?”

“About the Unseen Thorn of course! Have you never heard of that story about the murderer?”
Anna and Richard acted normal, Jade looked bored and Thierry had an odd expression, as if he couldn’t make his mind up about something.
"I don’t believe in the Unseen Thorn, I think he was probably misunderstood. MY family have always ignored these stories. An 11 year old wouldn’t just start killing for no reason.”

Jade froze and her back snapped straight as if her spine had just gone cold. She stared at Sky with wide eyes. Anna and Richard looked as if they were going to have a heart attack. Thierry was now doing something people didn’t think was possible, he was smiling and staring at a girl…instead of killing them…