Status: Work in progress

The Demons Devil

To Lytle Creek

The Night was cloudy and in the distance the sound of a fast approaching car got louder and louder. The sirens weren’t on but the lights were making the shadows dance as the police car raced on. The road was narrow, full of thick bushes on both sides and nothing was visible other than the white lines dividing the street.
There were two silhouettes in the front seat.
“Just stop talking about it! Ok,” screamed to officer in the passenger seat.
“As the Deputy Lieutenant, his is your case, I’m just a field officer,” the man said. He was obviously concerned about the women in the back of his cruiser; however, he had been the last officer to report to the scene and didn’t get a look inside. As soon as he arrived two officers carried a woman to his car and the Lieutenant got into the vehicle.
“Drive, I’ll tell you where to turn.” Without question he got into the car and drove off, followed by another police car. It was customary to have an escort when there was a criminal in the car, but she looked like the victim not a criminal. For most of the drive the Lieutenant was quiet, and the officer was trying to get some information out of him.
He looked in the back seat and saw that the woman had some cuts to her back, something that couldn’t possibly done by her own hands. Soon both cars arrived at a hospital. A small sign at the gates read: Lytle Creek’s mental Hospital. ‘Why a mental hospital,’ though the officer.
The Lieutenant ran into the hospital, in a hurry, while the two officers began to carry the woman outside. The Lieutenant came back running followed by a man with white robes and a gurney. They laid the women on the gurney and proceeded to enter the building.
The woman opened her eyes, and the lights went out.

**** Please Leave Comments, I need the Feed back. I need brutal feedback. Thank You.
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this was a story that i created a long time ago. It gave me chills when i wrote it. But here it is, rearranged and restructued.