Young Fearless

Chapter Two

Day 1: The mystery of the missing In-Ear.

Day 1: The mystery of the missing In-Ear.

The show had already started. My American Secret’s music was pumping through the venue and giving you a sonic whirlwind. To think that these guys were this great, and they just wrote fifteen second jingles for commercials…It was beyond what Izzie could fathom. She was watching them from the side of the stage, making sure everything went just right. She was out of breath, she had just had to run back to the board to adjust a monitor. Usually the light tech would help her out, but he was busy as well.

So she was already stressed, and already tired. This was about the moment in time when Derek came up to her looking like a wounded puppy. He had made a mess that she would have to clean up, she just knew it. There was no way the first day of tour could ever just go off without a hitch, was there. She tried not to roll her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. “What, Derek?”

The boy gave her a sheepish grin, and Izzie could almost have strangled him right then. But she held back her rage for the moment. Maybe it wasn’t that bad. Maybe there hadn’t been a minor disaster. A girl could dream, right?

“Hey sissy…” He began. Oh no, the nickname. Something happened. “What would you do if, strictly hypothetically speaking, I couldn’t find my in-ears?” Okay, so he did do something that bad. No band on this tour had box monitors, not to mention that in-ear was worth thousands. Her hands moved a little bit, and she looked like she just might wrap them around his neck and choke the life out of him. But he needed those pretty little vocal chords for singing. He just let out that grin that made the girls melt, and made her rage melt away.

She sighed, obviously annoyed. “Where were they last?” Please be inside the venue, please be inside the venue. She prayed inside of her head. She really, really didn’t want to be running between everything to find his equipment, and to manage the others equipment. She took a deep breath, planning this in her head. There was a 25 minute period where AVP would set up. And the boys were her saviors in the fact that they insisted on setting up themselves, if only to give Izzie a break from the chaos.

“The cargo hold of the bus.” Great, just great. She gave him one of those ‘you owe me one’ glances before scurrying off. “I love you sissy! I’m forever in your debt!” She muttered something inaudible back at him before continuing out the back doors of the venue. He was so lucky that she was there.

She walked out to the bus and yanked up the hatch to the cargo hold. It was like an avalanche, and all of their luggage fell on top of her. “JESUS CHRIST!” She screamed, managing to get up from under the pile of luggage. “No wonder he couldn’t find it. These guys packed more than me, holy hell.” But there, like a sign from the heavens, was the in-ear. She had never been more grateful in her life, and she prayed to the powers that be for blessing her.

She shoved everything back in the hold, and shut it. They would have to deal with that later. She ran back in the venue, and there was a large wall in her way. “MOVE Baldy McBigMac!” She yelled, shoving him out of her way. It felt good to have his revenge, and he looked utterly confused at the nickname.

She grabbed Derek by the hair. “Do this again, and I murder your ass.” She said with a grin. He hugged her so tightly she thought that she was going to lose a rib. He repeated the same thanks over and over again. “Alright Derek I get it you owe me your soul. Ordering me a pizza after the show will do, though.”

He gave her a wide grin and ruffled her already messy hair. “Izzie-boo you’re the best!” He said, giving her one last hug and shaking her a bit before letting her go and kissing her on the top of the head. She’d worked with him on four tours now. Two while Breathe Carolina were recording, one on Warped Tour, and now this tour. It was a closely developing relationship. Well, at least in the family sense.

There was a strict rule that Izzie followed to a t. Never, ever, EVER date your bosses. The band is your boss. On other tours, it would be fine for her to date an opener, or a headliner if her boys weren’t headlining. But this tour, everyone was off limits. Because everyone was a potential boss, and on the books she was working for all of them.

Kyle came up behind her. “Izzie!” He said. She winced, praying he didn’t have another crisis for her to deal with. She turned, and he hugged her gently. He also kissed the top of her head, and just held her for a moment. It was a brotherly embrace. She was starting to think of calling this the Fearless Family tour, because she was in the sister zone with all of these boys (Another reason she wouldn’t be dating any of them). He leaned down and whispered in her ear “Welcome Home.”