A Hidden Love Can Never Be Revealed

chapter 16

Chapter 15.

Amy’s P.OV

The iron grip that Brian held around my waist finally loosened as Matt pulled up in my drive way. I sigh and apologise once again to the car for my attempt at the great escape earlier and causing them all to worry. I heard a quiet growl from behind as Brian placed his head on my shoulder and started to fidget impatiently.

“Okay! She’s sorry, we will bid you fare well here, this is our stop, goodnight and we will talk to you tomorrow! Goodbye!” Brian shot out rather fast before fumbling with the door handle and gently ushering me from the vehicle. I chuckled at his impatience and climbed off his lap onto the pathway, laughing as he quickly dove out after me, resuming his place behind he with his arms wrapped tightly around my middle. I waited as Val rolled down the passenger window to say good bye, giggling slightly as Brian began to place soft kisses on my shoulders.

“I really am sorry about tonight Val, and about just heading straight back here,” I started.
“Okay one, its okay, we understand, well we don’t, which is why we need a serious talk tomorrow madam. And two, don’t worry I don’t blame you, I blame that leech attached to you,” She said as she threateningly jabbed her finger at Brian who stood still behind me which an innocent smile on his face. I turned slightly and kissed his cheek gently.

“Yeah, but he’s my leech now, so it’s all gravy,” I smiled.

“Yeah, and her leech would like to hurry up and get the hell in the goddamn house and ravage her senseless if you don’t all mind?!?” a smirk forming with every added word on his lips. I glared playfully at hit and hit him upside of the head, receiving a groan from him.

The car laughed, “Okay then we’ll leave you two alone then-“

“To have wild, kinky sex!” Jimmy added.

I chuckled, waving as the car pulled out of the drive and headed down the road, until I was pulled sharply back against a gorgeously toned chest. Brian trailed his lips slowly up and down my neckline pausing to focus on one spot just below my ear as I emitted a soft moan. I tilted my head to side allowing him more access to that one spot as I felt him smirk against my skin whilst he walked us slowly towards the door.

He nipped my earlobe making me moan once again, “Come on baby, you know I make you wanna scream,” He whispered huskily in an authorative voice beside my ear. If it hadn’t have been lyrics for his own song he’d said I think I woulda jumped him then and there on the drive way, but instead I just had to burst out laughing.

“That was so lame Bri! You actually just recited your own song to try and entice me to the bedroom!” I said I tried to control my laughter. Watching as he just pouted before me.
“What?! It works when Matt says it to Val!” he whined.

I giggled again as I walked seductively back towards him, “Yeah well you’re not Matt, and I’m not Val. But don’t worry Baby, I’ll be screaming as you ravage my body, “I whispered as I roughly pressed my lips to his, making him moan onto my lips. He pushed me roughly against the front door. I fumbled blindly with the lock trying to open the door. When the lock eventually gave, I stumbled backwards into the house, pulling Brian with me our lips still fused. I gasped in slight shock as Brian reached down to grip my thighs before lifting me to his hips as I wrapped my legs around his waist.
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Okay so heres a bit of un update. I'm sorry for stopping it here guys, but this is all my time will allow me at the moment. Also would anyone be willing to complete the sex scene, I just completely suck at writing things like that, you'd just end up with like "they get naked, have sex and fall asleep", and that's not how I want it lol. If anyone wants to finish it, please message me, you'd obviously get full credit. Thanks (: I'll update asap!

Also thank you to everyone who has commented on this story (:!