A Second Chance at Life

They say when you die your life flashes before your eyes. As you lie there, possibly in the most painful and horrendous moment you've ever experienced, you're forced to relieve everything: all of your failures, your regrets, and all of the hopes and dreams you've lost and found. For the first time in your life, there's nothing left to keep you from truly realizing how little your life actually meant. You're able to see what you've done and what you didn't do. There isn't a tally to see how many friends you had or how much you made. People don't care what you accomplished or what you built. Nothing you’ve ever lived for and cherished in life matters anymore. It was empty. And as you lie there, dying, you're all alone.

After that, just as you realize nothing in the world could possibly be worse, they tell you a blinding white light appears. All of the pain slips away. There isn't any more suffering or problems. There's only that pure light meant to lead you to another life.

Sometimes, people say you can feel it coming. In the back of your head there's a tingling or something, a crushing sense of dread letting you know your time has come has come.

They were wrong.

I didn't have time to see anything when I shoved the kid out of the way and the hiss of the breaks hit my ears. None of my problems came back. There weren't any lights. There was no time. One second I was walking down the street and the next everything was black. For the split second in between, I remember a burst of energy, panic, a scream.... After that, there was nothing but pain, the excruciating explosion of pain.

Then nothing.

When I was walking home, I didn’t have a single thought of what might have been coming. There was no premonition. Everything was normal. I can still remember a few things, like how hot the sun was that day. It was strange. April had never been so hot before. A street vendor was selling flowers. Kids were playing a game in the park. Traffic was busy. I never could have imagined I was going to die.

But in the end, there is still death. And from death, there will be life.

WARNING: I do not own Bleach or any of the characters that are featured in it. I do own my own and the story line. Please don't steal because I will end up finding out and it'll save a whole lot of time.