
Chapter 1

Alex Jenkins wasn’t your normal college student. She had a reputation to do bad things, though she dumped that train along time ago. Now Alex just tried to do good in her education and in her life, though sometimes things just come back to her from her past. And it just wont let her go.

See Alex was a decent child from one of the dark angels, yeah it doesn’t sound true, but who else is going to believe her. It was on her fathers side, she didn’t really want it but she has to live with it. Or die. Just like her dad did, though he did put up a good fight, a fight that saved her life, which to this day she was very thankful for. Although she missed her dad so much and she missed her mother too, seeing as she died not too long ago last year by a bad road accident. Since then Alex has been on her own, fighting for her safety and life, braking some rules but not all.

Alex walked up the steps to the first lesson of the day, Physics. “Joy” she thought as she opened the room and took a seat at the far back so no one would be able to annoy he with the mobile phones and there blaring Ipods. Though, Alex was no one to talk about that one, but at least she wasn’t stuck up her own ass with everything she owned and she didn’t really give a toss on how she looked. It was a minor brush hair, get dressed, do teeth, eat toast and out the door. Sometimes Alex would put on the occasional eyeliner but not today, she just couldn’t be arsed.

Alex took her books out of her bag and also a pen and then wrapped one earphone round the back of her neck and the other handing loose off the hem of her shirt. The popped the other one in her left ear and pressed play. The loud sound of drums bouncing off her ear drums as she slowly started to tap her pencil on the table to ’Cradle Of Filth’s Temptation. People started to stare at Alex, she could tell that they could hear her music, Alex just cracked a smile and lightly bobbed her head up and down to the beat whilst writing the learning objective down for today’s lesson.

At the end of class, Alex packed up her things and hauled her bag over her shoulders, covered her head with the hood of her coat and travelled towards the door. Though Miss. Quill had called out her name, making Alex stop just at the door handle.
‘Miss Jenkins, can I have a light word please?’
Alex turned round slowly, she really didn’t want any hassle today, she just wanted to skip through the day fast, go home and just relax.
But it was never that simple. Not in her life.

‘Yeah?’ Alex asked. It wasn’t polite yet it wasn’t mean either.
Miss. Quill walked through towards Alex in the most calm and poised manner she could, that’s new coming from her Alex thought. Quill stopped just in front of Alex’s face, bit too close for her liking, but she sucked it up and stepped back a little and hoped this would be a quick one so she could go straight to her next lesson.
‘just to let you know that Mr. James wanted to see you at your next free period time, due stop by and see him. That is all’
Miss Quill started to walk back to her desk and didn’t give Alex any notification that she could leave, so Alex thought that was a sigh for “Go and don’t come back”

Alex left the room quickly and started to walk towards her next class. English. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the class, she did very much so. It was just the people who were in it, and also the teacher too. Alex guessed that it made a difference on each teachers method of teaching and how they used it. But this teacher was just crap and a cow.
Alex took her usual seat next to her best friend Astrid, grabbed her books out of the bag and then dumped it on the floor next to the desk without a care in the world. About an hour into the lesson Astrid slammed her pen down onto the worn away pages of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Alex sighed, took an earphone out and looked at Astrid who was now grabbing a bag of skittles out of her bag.

“What’s the matter Ast?” Alex asked, taking a purple skittle and popping it in her mouth.
“I don’t get this stupid ‘Thy’ and ‘Thee’ It makes no sense!” She furiously said under her breath so the teacher would not hear her. Alex laughed and ripped a piece of paper out of her book and started scribbling on the page.

“Right Thy means Your, as in ‘Thy car is over there’ which in our modern language means ‘Your car is over there.’ And Thee in our modern language means You, as in ‘Thee is my love’ and again in our language means ‘You are my love.’ Do you get it now?” After Alex’s long explanation, Astrid finally switched on and let out a big ‘Ooooh’
God this was going to be a fun day she thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is the first chapter and it has taken me quite some time to get the first plot together but I think I have worked it all out.

Seeing as this is not like any of my other stories, and one just purely made up with no people from bands and stuff like that, it may take me some time to write it :)
Would love a quick comment, to tell me if you like it or not? :)

Thanks, Emma xx