Believe Me, I'm Lying

Chapter Five

The first Saturday in October, it’s sort of awkward. Jack is sitting in a booth at the best diner in their town, and right beside him is Ashley. Across from him is Kyle and Caleb, and both of them are being immature and annoying, like they always are. It’s not bothering Jack, it never does. But it’s clearly making Ashley irritated and he’s not sure if he should bother stopping them or not.

When she sighs loudly again for the fourth time, Jack just decides it has to be done. “Guys can you quit it?” he requests, softly enough for nobody else around them can hear, but loud enough for Kyle and Caleb to get that he’s serious.

The two boys stare at Jack with wide eyes and slowly sit up straight in their seats, looking very much like reprimanded children.

Caleb tries to start up a conversation, “So…are we all going out tonight?” he questions, looking at Ashley in particular. Jack knows he’s trying to get her involved in the conversation but he also knows that no matter what Caleb does, she’s not going to like him.

“Well, I know that I’ll be going out… Not sure about Ashley though…” Jack trails off, looking at his fiancé with one eyebrow raised, awaiting her response.

She clicks her tongue and turns the page of her menu, “I’m having a girl’s night with Amanda and Chelsea at Chelsea’s place. So no, I won’t be in attendance. Will it just be you three?”

Jack frowns, “No… Martin and Paul and Marshal will be there, I’m sure.”

“Alex Marshal? Oh, good. I’ve always liked him.” She nods to herself and looks back down at her menu.

Kyle and Caleb stare at Jack with wide eyes, knowing that she’s only happy because Jack will be with friends other than them.

After they order their breakfast, it’s still pretty awkward and Ashley just looks bored and annoyed, but Jack can’t do much about it, really. He holds her hand and tries to get her to smile but she just sort of glares at him and takes a sip from her water and pretends that Caleb and Kyle aren’t even there.

“So Jack…” Kyle trails off, picking apart his straw wrapper. It reminds Jack of Alex and he can’t help but smile. “Do you have a lunch meeting today?”

Only three out of the four people sitting at the table know that the phrase “lunch meeting” really means “seeing Alex”. Ashley looks at Jack with a disinterested sigh as Jack clears his throat, “Um, yeah I do. It’s a um, meeting with one of my dad’s friends. He wants to talk about the company or something…”

“Oh,” Kyle nods, “Well maybe you should bring him out tonight and get on his good side. You know?”

Jack narrows his eyes, “I dunno if that’s a good idea…” He knows that Kyle wants to meet Alex but he should know better than to even try and touch the subject while Ashley is around, even if she thinks they’re talking about a business meeting.

Ashley nods, though, “I think that’s a good idea. You should definitely do that.”

At first, Jack is shocked that she’s even agreeing with Kyle, because he always thought that she would never do that ever, even if her life was threatened. But, she did. And Jack just sort of stares at her for a few extra second, trying to figure out if she’s serious or not.

“Come on, dude, “Caleb interrupts, “You know it’ll only help in your favor.”

“I… Okay yeah, you’re right. I’ll see if he wants to.”

Jack knows it’s a long shot, though. Because Alex will more than likely be saying no.


“My chemistry teacher is really giving me a rough time about my last test,” Alex says as he walks beside Jack, his hand occasionally brushing against the older man’s, “I failed it and he keeps telling me I need to do some extra credit and I’m really trying but I can’t find the time to do it.”

Jack smiles as their skin brushes together again, “What kind of extra credit?”

“I don’t know. There’s a list of things I can do. I just have to find a day to sit down and do it. It’s just really hectic lately, I guess.”

Alex crosses his arms across his chest and looks down at the floor, suddenly moving a little bit away from Jack.

They’re in the park that’s about three blocks away from Jack’s apartment building and they’re currently on the nature trail, just because Alex suggested it. Jack would never come and do this on his own.

“What’s going on that’s got you so stressed?”

Alex waves him off, “Nothing important. Just school and work and all that.”

Jack decides that maybe now would be the best time to invite him to the bars. After all, some fun would probably do him some good. “Maybe you could come out with me tonight? To the bars and possibly a club. I’m not sure. I think you’d have a good time and maybe not be so stressed in the morning.”

Alex laughs. It’s a breathy, sarcastic laugh and he shakes his head, making Jack wonder what he keeps doing wrong. “I seriously can’t go out, Jack. And it definitely wouldn’t make me feel any less stressed anyway.”

“I don’t get it.” Jack stops walking, causing Alex to stop too. They’re right in the middle of the path but it’s not like there’s anybody else around. “I’ve invited you out the past three weekends and you always say you can’t. That you need to be home by six. Why can’t you? Why can’t you just live a little and get home late?”

“It’s not as simple as that, Jack,” Alex responds darkly, “I have responsibilities and I can’t just ignore them for one night out with you. It would be completely unfair of me to the people that I care about.”

“Can’t you tell me? Because I feel like you’re hiding something really important from me.”

Jack watches as Alex stares at him, obviously contemplating Jack’s request in his head. But then the younger boy is shaking his head ‘no’ and Jack shoves his hands into his pockets and shrugs.

“Well if you aren’t going to be open with me, and talk to me about this kind of stuff, then maybe we’re not going to work out after all.”

He turns on Alex, then, with every intention of walking away and leaving the boy behind. He really doesn’t want to have to deal with this if Alex isn’t going to be honest with him. But then Alex is calling his name and grapping his arm, pulling him back. The younger boy has a desperate, panicked look on his face as he grips Jack’s arm even tighter, trying to keep him there.

“Fine, I’ll tell you. But please don’t…Don’t freak, okay?”

“Why would I freak?” Jack asks softly, “It can’t possibly be that bad.”

“I…” Alex breathes in deeply and Jack puts both hands on his hips, trying to get him to calm down just a little. “There’s someone else in my life, okay? But…But it’s not the same as what you have with Ashley. My other person… It’s my son Devyn.”

Jack has never been one to run away from something. But right now, the only think he can think of is to turn around and finish walking away. And that’s what he does, leaving Alex on the path behind him. Because this is way more than he ever expected and he’s pretty sure it’s more than he’ll ever be able to handle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nearly all of you guessed that he had a kid. Ugh, you guys clearly know me way too well by now.

gives u hell177
No Tomorrow
bloodshot eyes.
nicholas joseph;