Love Like ***


Kacey's Point Of View

"Kacey," a voice whispered into my ear.

I turned around as fast as I could, but found no one there.

Then another, deeper voiced whispered, "Kacey."

I turned around again, but still I didn't spot anyone."

"Kacey," three voices echoed at once.

"What!?" I screamed.

"Kill him," a voice screamed back at me.

And then a chorus of voices whispered, "Kill him."

My eyes bolted open, "Damn nightmares."

I went to wipe the sweat from my forehead, but found that I couldn't move my arms.
And then I felt the cold, cold chains wrapped around my wrists and ankles. And since they were cold that meant that my body hadn't warmed them up yet, so they had just been put on there recently. Though that didn't help me any.

"Not this again," I mumbled.

The darkness and the silence was soon getting on my nerves. Whatever Gerard had in store for me, I just wanted him to get it over with.

And then almost on cue the light went on and momentarily blinded me.

"I thought you kept your word?" I asked as he walked over to me, twirling his knife.

"I do."

"Then why are we back to where we started?"

Gerard smiled, "I just want to make you bleed."

I sighed and then rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

Gerard smiled and then sat down next to me on the bed. He then took his knife and placed it upon my wrist and started craving.

I bit her lower lip. It seriously hurt like hell. I had always had really delicate skin.

After what seemed like ages, Gerard was done.

"Ow," I mumbled.

Gerard leaned over my wrist and gently kissed it.

I watched as he licked my blood off of his lips.

He then whispered, "Don't cry out."

Gerard then walked across the room and stood by the door.

I was about to ask why he had said, 'Don't cry out', but then I saw the tarantula crawling across the floor.

I was terrified of spiders.

"I've never been sure, but I think tarantulas can smell blood," Gerard said while he licked the blood off of his knife.

I closed my eyes and counted, "Une, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix.."

My breathing had regulated again so I opened my eyes, which was a mistake.

Because the tarantula was now out of site, but before long I see it by my feet and crawling towards me.

I closed my eyes again and count some more, "Onze, tweleve, treize, quatorze.."

And then I feels it on my stomach.

I whimpered slightly, "Gerard, please take it away."

He laughed, "Now why would I do that?"

He was trying to make me snap and this would do just that.

I sighed, "Please, Gerard."

- - - - -

Gerard's Point Of View

I groaned, I didn't really want to save her, but apart of me did. Because I knew if I let this spider make her cry, then I'd have to make her die, and then there would be no sex for me. And I liked sex.

I walked across the room, flicked the tarantula off of her, and then stabbed it through it's abdomen.


Kacey opened her eyes and smiled, "Thank you."

I pulled a set of keys out of my pocket and set Kacey free.

As soon as she was standing she pulled me into a hug, "Thank you so much."

I smiled, "Welcome."
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