Love Like ***

I Wanna Feel Innocence

Gerard's Point Of View

I sat on the foot of Kacey's bed and stared down at her.

She looked so innocent, but I knew she was no longer innocent. You couldn't be innocent after you had seen someone die right in front of you. That was just how the world was.
She had her right arm wrapped tightly around a pillow and she had a slight smile playing on her lips.

I wanted to know what she was dreaming of. Was it a dream of me that caused that cute smile? Or was it a dream of someone else?

Either way it didn't really matter. All that mattered was that she wasn't having nightmares anymore.

I don't think she's like the rest of them, I thought.

Maybe if she just killed someone she'd understand what I see in murder.

I smiled a bit and then warped the blanket tightly around Kacey. It was getting cold in here and I was sure she'd be shivering if I hadn't of warped her up.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point Of View

I walked into the dark, damp bathroom carrying a bowl of Lucky Charms.

I found Gerard sitting in the empty tub looking at a gun magazine.

"Here's your cereal," I said.

He took the bowl and smiled up at me, "Thanks."

"Welcome," I said as I crawled into the tub next to him.

As Gerard ate his cereal, I looked through his gun magazine. He had a few guns circled; I was guessing he was going to buy those.

After Gerard was done eating he burped loudly and went back to going through his magazine.

Then out of no where Gerard asked, "Do you think you could ever kill someone?"

I remained silent for a while. I really didn't know if I ever could. It was just one of those things I had never thought about.

"I don't know," I replied honestly.

I then climbed out of the tub and sat down on the toilet and went pee.

Later that evening I went into the kitchen to grab something to eat. My stomach growled lightly as I walked into the kitchen.

I patted it and said, "Don't worry. I'm getting you something."

I then heard a chair squeak, but when I looked up I found a girl and not Gerard.

My eyes grew wide, but then went back to normal, "Hello."

The girl glared at me.

I just shrugged and went over to the fridge.

As I was searching through the fridge I heard the girl stand up.

I turned around with a bowl of fruit in my hand and saw the girl standing there with a butcher's knife in her hand.

"Kill me or I'll kill you."

I gave the girl a confused look, but I wasn't confused for long.

Because the girl lunged at me and tried to stab me.
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