Love Like ***

Did You Smell Her Taste?

Kacey's Point Of View

I watched as the blood pooled around the girl's body. I stared at it as it came closer and closer to me. I knew I should stand up and get out of the way, but a part of me wanted to feel that warm blood against my cool flesh. I didn't want to give into that tribal part of me, but I knew I was going to. As the blood touched my leg I shivered in disgust and pleasure.

What's happening to me? I asked myself.

A sane person would have gotten up and away from the blood, but I sat there and let it come to me. In fact I was still sitting there.

I sighed and then forced myself up.

As I made my way out of the room I glanced at the body one last time.

I found Gerard in his room, sitting on his bed. He had a sketchbook resting on his lap and a charcoal pencil in his hand. I walked into his room with a scowl on my face.

"Hello," he said.

"How could you make me do that!" I yelled.

He smiled, "I didn't make you do anything. You chose to survive instead of die."

I glared at him, "I hate you."

He laughed that cruel, wicked laugh of his. He then got out of bed and walked over to me. It was now that I noticed he was only in a pair of boxers.

My eyes wondered over his chest, down his stomach, and lastly to the bulge in his boxers.
Gerard smirked at me and he had this look in his eyes that screamed sex.

My hands were balled into fists; I was just so angry with him.

I punched him in the nose.

The second I pulled my fist away, blood was pooling out of his nose.

And all he did was laugh.

It felt so good to punch him; I wanted to do it again, so I aimed to do it.

But he caught my fist this time and pulled me against his body, then kissed me.

I tried pulling away from him, but he had his arm warped around my back tightly. Then I realized I actually liked kissing him, with the taste of blood on our lips.

And as the kiss deepened my clothes began to drop to the ground. Before long I was lying naked in bed while he was kissing his way down my stomach.

"Can I scream your name?" I asked after he entered me.

He laughed, "Yeah, but only my name. Well, maybe a 'fuck me harder!'"

And as he began ramming in and out of me I bit him on to his neck, drawing blood, causing him to moan.

Before I knew it I was screaming his name, "Gerard!"

And he was screaming mine, "Kacey!"

They lay there together, sweating and panting, covered in blood. Some of that blood was theirs and some of it was that poor girl's.

I looked into Gerard's eyes and laughed.

He smiled and laughed too.

"I didn't think this would happen," I whispered.

"Neither did I."

He laid his lips back on mine and then closed his eyes and fell asleep.
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