Love Like ***

I Saw The Hammer In My Hands

Kacey's Point Of View

I as laying on the couch, staring at the static on the TV.

I as thinking about how I had killed that girl and then how I had gone and had sex with Gerard.

That wasn't who I was; the real Kacey would have never done either of those things. But I was starting to think that the real Kacey was gone.

I ran my fingers through my hair and groaned.

I felt a bit sick with myself, but then there was that part of me that just didn't care anymore.
I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower and to clear my mind.

- - - - -

Gerard's Point Of View

I flung the unconscious girl onto kitchen floor.

She had been a pain in the ass to get so I had decided she was going to suffer.

I grabbed the hammer off of the counter and then slammed it into her right kneecap.

The girl's eyes flew open and she tried to scream, but the rag inside of her mouth made it so she could make no noise.

I smiled and made a, " Tsk, tsk," noise.

i then took the hammer and slammed it into her other kneecap, breaking it as well.
Tears were running down the girl's cheek, which made me smile even more. I wanted her to suffer.

I grabbed onto the girl's arm and straightened it out and aimed the hammer at her elbow.
She was shaking her head rapidly as if pleading with me not to do it.

"You want me to stop?" I asked.

She nodded.

I laughed, "I'm afraid I can't do that."

And then I slammed the hammer into her left elbow.

The sound of cracking bones made me shiver with joy.

"Just one more and then I'll leave you alone for a bit."

She was crying harder now and close to going back into an unconscious state.

I slammed the hammer down on her right elbow and then whipped away her tears.

"It's okay," I told her, "I'm done for now and if you're able to, feel free to leave."

I then placed the hammer on the counter and made my way to the bathroom where Kacey was taking a shower.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point Of View

I heard the door open as I was washing her hair.

"Hey babe," Gerard said as he started pulling off his clothes.

"Hi," I said back to him.

"Mind if I join you?"

I wanted to say that I did mind, but I knew I couldn't. Because as much as I wanted to clear my mind, I wanted to feel his lips against mine even more.

"Of course not."

Gerard smiled to himself and then climbed into the shower.

The second Gerard was fully in the shower I threw myself at him and almost instantly we were kissing.

I left then bathroom feeling even more confused then I did when I first went in.

I felt feelings towards Gerard. Feelings that mostly revolved around sex and death. I had a feeling I was slowly going crazy.

As I walked into the kitchen I found a girl leaning against the wall.

Her arms and legs were broken; she was gagged, and crying.

When the girl saw me she started crying harder and making small, muffled, screams.

"It's okay," I said, "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."

The girl seemed to believe me because she stopped crying.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

The girl nodded.

"Okay," I said and then went over to the cupboard and got some bread out. I grabbed a slice and then went over to the girl.

"Now you have to promise me that you won't scream once I take this off," I said, pointing to the gag.

The girl nodded.

"If you scream he'll get mad," I said and then took the gag off the girl.

"Thanks," the girl whispered.

I smiled and then began to feed the girl small pieces of bread.

And then it hit me, this girl would be such an easy kill.
How horrible of me to think that..

I placed another small piece of bread into the girl's mouth, let her chew it, and then I shoved a whole piece into the girl's mouth.

The girl's eyes went wide and I smiled innocently.

Then I took the girl's head and bashed her face into the ground.

After the first bash the girl starts to scream.

"Fuck," I said and then bashed her head into the ground again.

The girl continues to scream and I continue the bash her face into the ground.

And then out of nowhere the girl stops screaming and it's almost deafening how quiet it is.
I stared at the girl's limp body, a small pool of blood's on the floor. I stood up really fast and then looked over at the door way where Gerard's standing.

I smiled, "Ooops.."

Gerard walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, "It's okay."
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