Love Like ***

I Know That I Can't Make You Stay

Kacey's Point Of View

I walked through the never-ending darkness, as I always did. It was so cold this time though, almost as if death itself was here waiting for m. No voices whispered at my back, but still my neck hairs were standing on end.

And then I saw it; way in the distance there was a light shining down on the ground. And on the ground under that light there was a black lump.

The closer I got to the light, the more I saw that the lump was in fact a human.

Soon the voices began to start again, softly whispering my name, "Kacey."

When I was a few feet away from the body I saw that it was a man, but not just any man.

I kneeled down next to him and felt cool blood under my knees, but still I reached out to touch his pale cheek.

"Gerard," I whispered.

But he did not stir.

The voices where whispering louder now, "You did this Kacey."

Another whispered, "You killed him."

I shook my head rapidly, "No! No, I didn't!"

But still they told me I had killed him.

Tears began to run down my cheeks and then Gerard's hand bolted up and grabbed me around the neck.

"Finally," he said, "I can kill you."

I woke up to the feeling of hands on my shoulders, shaking me awake. When my eyes opened I saw Gerard leaning over me.

"Gerard?" I whispered.

"Kacey, you were having a nightmare."

I nodded, "Thanks for waking me up."

He flashed me a quick smile, "You kept saying my name in my sleep, what was going on?"

"You were dead and they kept saying it was my fault."

"They?" He asked, confused.

I let out a long sigh, "Yes, they. I don't know who the fuck they are, but they're always there."

"Oh," Gerard said, as if he understood, but he really didn't.

"I'm going to go make some pancakes," I said and then rolled out of bed.

- - - - -

Gerard's Point Of View

I found Kacey sitting on the sofa, just staring at the static. She'd been doing that a lot lately and it somewhat worried me. I didn't know why it did, but it just did. Maybe I'd look into getting cable for her.

I sat next to her and asked, "You okay?"

She nodded, "Yeah, dandy."

I wrapped his arm around her, "Good."

"Gerard?" She whispered.


"I've been thinking.."


She nodded, "Yeah, and well, my month here's almost over, right?"

"Yeah," I said sadly. I liked having someone around who understood, who cared for me.

"And well, I know this might sound crazy, but I don't want to leave."

I looked at her shocked, "What?"

She laughed, "You heard me."

I smiled and it was such a real smile, "That would be fine."


I laughed now too, "Yeah, really."

Kacey leaned over and kissed me softly on the cheek, "Thanks."


- - - - -

Kacey's Point Of View

Now that I had asked Gerard if I could stay with him, he seemed to trust me enough to allow me to roam the floor that they were on. So no more being locked up like some kind of animal. Well, I was still kind of locked up since I could only stay on this floor, but at least I could get out of the room.

As I was walking around the huge hall, aimlessly, I heard a guy yell, "Help me!"

I smiled to myself and made my way towards where the voice was coming from.

"Help me!" He yelled again.

And after a few more cries of help, I found the room he was in.

I recognized him, which was strange, but I couldn't put my finger on who he was.

And then as I was just about to leave the room again he said, "Kacey?"

I nodded a little too fast.

"It's me, Zach, Liana's friend."

Oh, Zach. The boy who always flittered with Liana, but never asked her out.

"Oh," I said with a fake smile on my face. Suddenly I was so mad at him. Many times my sister had came home crying because of him. Because he wouldn't ask her out, but yet he'd flit with her, kiss her, touch her, and make her feel special.

"Are you going to help me?" He asked.

I laughed and for a second it was like an echo of Gerard's laugh. Cold, long, and cruel.

"No," I said, "I'm not."

He gave me this look like I was crazy.
And maybe I was.

"There's no getting out of here," I whispered.

"You're not the guy that brought me here," Zach said, "So you must be a victim too, right?"

I smiled, "A victim, no."

"Then you're in this with him?"

I shook her head, "Not really, I'm just his lover."

Zach's eyes grew wide.

I pulled a knife out of my pocket. It was a pretty knife. So clean, so bright, so sharp. Gerard had given it to me for some reason, I hadn't known why until now. He wanted me to use it on him. But how?

Zach stared at the knife as I stared at it.

"What are you going to do with that?" He asked.

"Play with it, of course."

And then an idea hit me.

I walked over to him and started to pull down his pants.

"What are you doing?!" Zach yelled.

I ignored him and continued to take off his pants and then his boxers.

"I'm going to make a deal with you," I said.

He just stared at me with eyes that were too wide, showing too much white. He was scared, good.

"If you can get nice and hard for me within oh.. let's say a minute, I won't cut off your dick. But if you fail, well, you lose your best friend."

He whimpered and closed his eyes, trying his best to get hard.
He was trying so hard, but he just couldn't do it.

"Ten more seconds," I said.

"Shit," Zach whispered, "I need more time!"

"Five," I said, "Four. Three. Two. One."

"Fuck!" Zach yelled, "Kacey! Please don't do this!"

I smiled and then pressed the blade against him, it cut him slightly and he whimpered a bit.

"I'm sorry, Zach, but we made a deal and you lost."

And then I began to cut it off, at first I was fast about it, but as his screams grew, I slowed down and enjoyed it.

When I was done I stared down at the blood on y hands, the blood on his thighs, and the limp dick lying next to his leg.

I couldn't believe what I had just done. This wasn't murder, this was torture. Grade A, fucking torture.

I felt sick with myself and almost threw up, but then Gerard walked into the room.

He looked at the now passed out Zach and then to me.

He smiled at me and then pulled out a gun and shot Zach in the head.

Gerard walked over to me and pulled me into her arms, "You did good."

I nodded, still feeling sick.

"I think I need to go to the rest room," I said.

And then I ran out of the room, the closest bathroom and threw up.
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