Love Like ***

This Was No Accident

Kacey's Point Of View

Gerard and I were sitting in the bathtub together, once again, except this time we weren't looking at a gun magazine or eating. We were actually taking a bath. A bubble bath to be exact.

I rested my head against Gerard's chest and sighed happily. It was nice to be doing something normal for once. Something that most couples do. Though they weren't technically a couple. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to be a couple with him. He was the one who warped me from a sweet, innocent thing to this monster who craves sex, blood, and death. But I was beginning to like the monster that I was and the monster that he was.

Gerard kissed the curve of my neck and I shivered in pleasure.

I turned around in his lap so I was facing him and then I threw my lips upon his.

- - - - -

Gerard's Point Of View

Later that evening I found Kacey sitting on the sofa, staring at the static yet again.

"Why do you do that?" i asked.

She looked up at me and then back to the TV, "It helps me think straight."

"Oh," I sat down next to her, "What are you thinking about?"

I glanced down at her hands and saw they were shaking, "My twin."

I had almost forgot she had a sister, a twin sister out there.

"We were always so close, ya know? And it's like I've been thinking about her a lot lately and how hard this must be on her. To not know if I'm alive or dead and not knowing where I'm at or if I'm safe."

She was shaking so bad now, like she wanted to cry or something.

"I just wish there was someway I could tell her I'm okay," Kacey whispered.

I nodded, I understood and wanted to help.

"How about this," I said, "next time I go to the store you can come and use a pay phone to call and tell her you're fine. Make up some lie and say you're leaving with your long lost love or some shit."

Kacey smiled, "Thanks."

I grunted a response and then went into me room for a nap.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point Of View

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked Gerard out of nowhere.

When he looked up at me there was this sad smile on his lips, "I used to."

"What do you mean used to?"

I almost regretted asking him, his eyes just looked so hurt.

"When I was younger I always had nightmares," Gerard said, "horrible nightmares."

"Gee," I whispered.

He put his pointer finger up to his lips, "Shh.. My mother used to always comfort me when I was a little kid, but around the time my brother was born she stopped. It wasn't her fault really. She just couldn't take care of a three year old who was having chronic nightmares, a newborn baby, and juggle two jobs. Our dad had also left when he find out my mother was pregnant again and that put a lot of stress on her as well."

He stopped for a few seconds to catch his breath and to regain composer.

"The nightmares died down for a few years, but then they started coming back around my sixteenth birthday. So that year I bought a hammer and slept with that like some kids would sleep with a teddy bear. And then one night I was having a really bad nightmare, probably the worst I had had. Mikey, my brother heard me screaming so he came to wake me up, like a good brother would. I had told him countless times though to never come in my room while I'm asleep or screaming because I could accidentally hurt him.."

Gerard's eyes were shining with un-fallen tears, "So he came in and shook me awake and being the dumb fuck that I was thought that my nightmare was turning real. And.. I hit him in the head with the hammer."

Tears were falling down Gerard's face now, but he didn't care.

"I killed my own brother on accident. He was my only friend, the only person, besides our mother, that didn't think I was a freak. And I fucking killed him."

I pulled Gerard into my arms, "I'm so sorry, Gerard."

"He was my first kill," Gerard whispered into my neck.

I kissed his tears away, "It was an accident."

"But every kill after that wasn't."

A few days later I woke up to Gerard shaking me awake, "Do you want to go call your sister or not?"

I nodded.

"Then come on! I'm going into town now. We're out of fucking Lucky Charms."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I was so sick of Lucky Charms. Maybe I could get some Fruit Loops. Nah, Gerard wouldn't go for that.

As they climbed into the truck Gerard said, "It's going to be a long drive."


"Just in case they've got a tracker on your sister's house. This way even if they find out where we're at, they'll never get to us in time to find you."

I shrugged, "Okay. Wake me up when we get there."

- - - - -

Gerard's Point Of View

Kacey fell back asleep quickly, leaving me to the silence of the car. I turned on the radio to see if anything worthy was on. But of course, nothing was. It was all static and when something would actually come in it was country.

I sighed angrily to myself. I honestly hated radios. They always pissed me off.
I concentrated on the road in front of me since I did have a habit of spacing out.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point Of View

I woke up to the feeling of the truck stopping.

"Are we there?"

Gerard nodded, "Make it fast."

He passed me two quarters and then I climbed out of the truck and ran over to the pay phone.

I stuck the quarters into the machine and dialed my home phone number.

It rang twice and then her sister's familiar voice said, "Hello?"

"Liana," I said with a smile on my face. It was so nice to hear my sister's voice again.

"KACEY!" Liana practically screamed, "Where are you?"

"Canada," I said honestly.


"You remember that boy I used to date in high school? Well, he asked me to marry him and I said yes."

"So you just up and left," Liana said sounding hurt, "Without telling me a thing. I thought you were dead! I thought the fucking Lake Side Killer had you!"

I choked back tears. I felt so bad lying to my sister, "I'm sorry, Liana."

I then hung up the phone and ran back over to Gerard's truck.

"You okay?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry," Gerard said, being completely honest.
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