Love Like ***

With The Short Blonde Hair

Gerard's Point Of View

I sat in my truck and watched as the girl with the long, red hair, named Christi, stood at the corner, talking to another girl, with blonde hair. Both of them were dressed rather skimpy, but they had to if they wanted to get any customers, right?

The girl with the red hair had dropped out of high school when she was fifteen. And to do what? To become a whore.

There was nothing I hated more then people who threw away their high school education just to whore around. If the girl had wanted to she couldn't have graduated, gone to college, and gotten a good job. But no, she had decided to drop out and go sleep with men for a living. What a typical whore.

What I wanted to do was crush the life out of her.

Actually what I really wanted to do was crush the life out of her with Kacey. I knew she'd be up for it too. I had somehow warped her into a sick and twisted little girl. Well, she wasn't really little, but still.

I pulled my truck up close to where they were and rolled down my window.

"Hey, handsome," Christi said.

"Hey," I said.

"Which one of us you want?" The blonde asked.

"The red head."

Christi smiled and gave the other girl a dirty look and then climbed into my truck. Picking up hookers was so easy, there was no fun in it.

We drove in silence for the most part. Christi would ask some stupid question and I would give her some stupid answer. I didn't like her much since she talked too much. I wanted to knock her out so the drive home would be comfortable. So I pulled into an empty parking lot.

"We're ganna do it here?" She asked.

I nodded, smiling wickedly.

She shrugged, "Okay."

And as she started to kiss me I took my hands and started to strangle her. She fought back and damn she fought back good. She was so good in fact that she actually managed to get out of the car.

"Shit," I mumbled as I climbed out of the car to chase after her.

But she was too fast and I was too slow. Smoking wasn't good for you, especially when you needed to run.

This was the first time anyone had ever escaped from me. And I was worried.

I drove home as fast as I could, but making one stop before hand. The stop was so I could get some hair bleach, but that only took three minutes or so.

Once I got back to the hotel I ran right into Kacey's room.

She was lying in bed with her eyes closed and a knife resting in her hand. I knew she wasn't asleep so I jumped onto the bed next to her.

Kacey's hand sprang into life and nearly stabbed me, but she stopped just before the knife hit me in the back.

"Hello," she said sly.

I didn't say anything.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"She escaped," I said.


"The red head! The girl I was going to fucking kidnap! She escaped and I think she has my plates."

Kacey stared at me in disbelief, "What are we going to do?"

"First we're going to cut and dye my hair since the girl knows what I look like. Then we're going to catch a buss to California, I've got a small place down there. And then we're going to head into Mexico."

Kacey just nodded, "I like your hair though." "What color?"

"Blonde, bleach blonde."

Kacey groaned, "How short?"


She groaned again, "Just promise you'll grow it back again. You're so sexy with that long hair."

I kissed her quickly and then shoved the dye and a pair of scissors into her hands.

"I have to do this?" She asked.

I rolled his eyes, "Who the fuck is ganna do it if you don't?"

She sighed, "Fine, take off that shirt and jacket, I like them and don't want to accidentally ruin them."

I did as she said.

And then she went about the task of cutting off my beautiful hair.

"I'm going to miss it," she said as the hair fell.

I was going to miss it too. She liked to use my hair to control me in bed and I liked that.

"Are you sure we need to dye it too?"

I nodded, "She knows what I look like so I need to change as best as I can."

Kacey sighed deeply and then started applying the bleach.
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Random fact about me:
I can't eat my M&Ms if they get wet.