Love Like ***

The Cereal Isle

Kacey's Point of View

I stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror and applied a bit of bright red lipstick. I then combed through my long, black hair.

"Kacey!" Liana yelled from downstairs, "Come on!"

I sighed, "I'm coming!"

We were going to the store and I really didn't feel like going, but when did anyone? The store was just one huge money trap. And we didn't really have money to spare. But we have to eat so we have to go to the store.
I checked my reflection in the mirror one more time before going downstairs to met my sister.

"Well, don't you look nice," she complimented.

I shrugged and grabbed my purse.

- - - - -

Gerard's Point of View

I pulled my truck into the parking lot at the local super market. I was here to pick up a few boxes of Lucky Charms since I was out. I was also here to find my next victim. Today was one of those rare days where I just wanted to kill someone for the pleasure of killing them. Plus I didn't feel like doing weeks worth of research to see who 'deserved' to die. I just wanted to feel someone's burning blood against my cool flesh.

As I climbed out of my truck a car pulled up in the parking space across from me.
Two girls climbed out of the small car. They were identical in everyway except for their hair. One had long, black hair while the other had long, blonde hair.
I licked my lips and let out a slow sigh. I liked how the one with the black hair looked. She seemed more well put together then the other. And I loved to make the well put together ones snap, crackle, and pop. POP! POP! POP!

- - - - -

Kacey's Point of View

I looked across the parking lot and saw a guy with shaggy, black hair staring contently at me. Which was kind of creepy. I just gave him a confused look and shrugged the feeling off.

Once they were inside of the store Liana asked, "Did you see that guy looking at you?"


"He creeps me out."

I nodded in agreement, "Me too."

We didn't see the guy again until we were in the cereal isle. He was just standing there, holding two boxes of cereal. A jumbo box of Lucky Charms and a regular sized box. He was looking at them like they were the most interesting things in the world.

I nudged Liana so she'd go get us our cereal. She walked around him quickly, grabbed a box of Fruit Loops, and nearly ran back to the cart.

Once we were at the end of the isle Liana whispered, "What a freak."

I glanced back at him and saw he was looking at me yet again. I swallowed the spit in my mouth and realized I was shaking slightly. This guy was really beginning to creep me out.

- - - - -

Gerard's Point of View

I watched as the two walked out of the isle and turned to go into the next one. The black hair one saw me looking at them, more like her. It creeped her out too and I liked that. I really, really wanted the one with the black hair. She was just so pretty and so well kept and stable looking. While the other was a little giddy and hyper. I paid for my Lucky Charms and went back out to my truck. I climbed into the drivers seat and then laid down and positioned myself so I could look out of the window and see the car the twins had came in.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point of View

Liana and I walked out of the store carrying two bags each. We didn't have enough money to get a lot of food, but we had enough to get us what we needed.
I glanced back at the truck and shivered Even his truck gave me the chills.

Liana looked at me from across the roof of our car, "Don't worry, Kace-ums, you'll probably never see him again.

I looked at my sister and smiled weakly. I then got in the car to drive us home.

- - - - -

Gerard's Point of View

A few seconds after their car pulled out of the parking lot, I started up my truck and followed them. I stayed at least five cars behind them and when they parked at a small, run down house I kept going for about another five minutes.

I grabbed my binoculars out of the glove box and then backtracked to their house.
Once there I sat down in some pushes on the side of their house and watched the windows. He saw the blonde haired twin running around downstairs in the kitchen. And then he saw the black haired twin in a window upstairs.
She was just standing there running her fingers through her hair.
I smiled to myself. Oh how I'd love to run my fingers through her hair.
She yawned, then took off her shirt, and her bra.
My smile grew even bigger as did the friend in my pants.
My thoughts were no longer of running my fingers through her hair or even of killing her, they were of sex and only sex.

- - - - -

Kacey's Point of View

I sighed and then ran my fingers over my flat, bare stomach.
I then walked across my room, turned out the lights, and lit a few candles.
I then climbed into my twin-sized bed ad flipped through the channels on TV. Since we didn't have cable there was noting good on. Only the news and some gay soap opera So I stuck with the news.

"Three days ago a teenage girl by the name of Alexis Sanders went missing," the news lady said.

I sighed and turned the TV off. That was why I hated watching the news. It was always so depressing.
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